On Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 11:29:20AM -0800, Larry McVoy wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2005 at 09:49:32AM -0800, lm wrote:
> > If it were spread out over the thousands of sites like your
> > usage is then it would be more, there's a lot more overhead.  There are
> > currently more than 2,200 top level domains using BK for free (where
> > top level means my-company.com, not my-workstation.my-company.com).
> http://www.bitkeeper.com/domains.html
> is a listing of the domains which have used bk-3.2.3 in the last 4
> months.  It's slightly less than the claimed 2,200 because we looked
> only at the bk-3.2.3 usage.

Noting that I am included in the list (codepoet.org) -- do keep
in mind that not all cases of having 'used bk' are equal.  I
suspect my situation is similar to many others in that I have
only used bk in order to obtain source code for projects for
which code is otherwise not readily available.  Thats all.
Nothing else.  Call that using bk if you want, but I only do so
since there is no currently viable alternative method...  Without
an alternative method, I am forced to use bk.

If there were a viable alternative method to obtain current
source code for projects now in bk (such as a nightly project
snapshots, a read only bk2cvs/bk2whatever gateway) I would gladly
remove bk immediately and use that other method instead.


Erik B. Andersen             http://codepoet-consulting.com/
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