Robin Holt wrote:
On Mon, Feb 14, 2005 at 06:29:45PM -0600, Ray Bryant wrote:

which is what you are asking for, I think.  The library's job
(in addition to suspending all of the processes in the list for
the duration of the migration operation, plus do some other things
that are specific to sn2 hardware) would be to examine the

You probably want the batch scheduler to do the suspend/resume as it
may be parking part of the job on nodes that have memory but running
processes of a different job while moving a job out of the way for a
big-mem app that wants to run on one of this jobs nodes.

That works as well, and if we keep the majority of the work on deciding who to migrate where and what to do when in a user space library rather than in the kernel, then we have a lot more flexibility in, for example who suspends/resumes the jobs to be migrated.

do memory placement by first touch, during initialization.  This is,
in part, because most of our codes originate on non-NUMA systems,
and we've typically done very just what is necessary to make them

Software Vendors tend to be very reluctant to do things for a single
architecture unless there are clear wins.


Ray Bryant
512-453-9679 (work)         512-507-7807 (cell)
The box said: "Requires Windows 98 or better",
         so I installed Linux.
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