"Michael Kerrisk (man-pages)" <mtk.manpa...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello Aneesh,
> After integrating review comments from NeilBown, Christoph Hellwig,
> and Mike Frysinger, here is draft 4 of a man page I've written for
> name_to_handle_at(2) and open_by_handle_at(2). (The changes since
> draft 3 are only minor.)
> Would you be willing to review it please, and let me know of any
> corrections/improvements? (Of course, further comments from anyone
> else are also welcome.)
> There are some FIXMEs in the page that I would especially like some help with.
> Thanks,
> Michael
> .\" Copyright (c) 2014 by Michael Kerrisk <mtk.manpa...@gmail.com>
> .\"
> .\" Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
> .\" manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
> .\" preserved on all copies.
> .\"
> .\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
> .\" manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
> .\" entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
> .\" permission notice identical to this one.
> .\"
> .\" Since the Linux kernel and libraries are constantly changing, this
> .\" manual page may be incorrect or out-of-date.  The author(s) assume no
> .\" responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from
> .\" the use of the information contained herein.  The author(s) may not
> .\" have taken the same level of care in the production of this manual,
> .\" which is licensed free of charge, as they might when working
> .\" professionally.
> .\"
> .\" Formatted or processed versions of this manual, if unaccompanied by
> .\" the source, must acknowledge the copyright and authors of this work.
> .\" %%%LICENSE_END
> .\"
> .TH OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT 2 2014-03-24 "Linux" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
> name_to_handle_at, open_by_handle_at \- obtain handle
> for a pathname and open file via a handle
> .nf
> .B #define _GNU_SOURCE
> .B #include <sys/types.h>
> .B #include <sys/stat.h>
> .B #include <fcntl.h>
> .BI "int name_to_handle_at(int " dirfd ", const char *" pathname ,
> .BI "                      struct file_handle *" handle ,
> .BI "                      int *" mount_id ", int " flags );
> .BI "int open_by_handle_at(int " mount_fd ", struct file_handle *" handle ,
> .BI "                      int " flags );
> .fi
> The
> .BR name_to_handle_at ()
> and
> .BR open_by_handle_at ()
> system calls split the functionality of
> .BR openat (2)
> into two parts:
> .BR name_to_handle_at ()
> returns an opaque handle that corresponds to a specified file;
> .BR open_by_handle_at ()
> opens the file corresponding to a handle returned by a previous call to
> .BR name_to_handle_at ()
> and returns an open file descriptor.
> .\"
> .\"
> .SS name_to_handle_at()
> The
> .BR name_to_handle_at ()
> system call returns a file handle and a mount ID corresponding to
> the file specified by the
> .IR dirfd
> and
> .IR pathname
> arguments.
> The file handle is returned via the argument
> .IR handle ,
> which is a pointer to a structure of the following form:
> .in +4n
> .nf
> struct file_handle {
>     unsigned int  handle_bytes;   /* Size of f_handle [in, out] */
>     int           handle_type;    /* Handle type [out] */
>     unsigned char f_handle[0];    /* File identifier (sized by
>                                      caller) [out] */
> };
> .fi
> .in
> .PP
> It is the caller's responsibility to allocate the structure
> with a size large enough to hold the handle returned in
> .IR f_handle .
> Before the call, the
> .IR handle_bytes
> field should be initialized to contain the allocated size for
> .IR f_handle .
> (The constant
> defined in
> .IR <fcntl.h> ,
> specifies the maximum possible size for a file handle.)
> Upon successful return, the
> .IR handle_bytes
> field is updated to contain the number of bytes actually written to
> .IR f_handle .
> The caller can discover the required size for the
> .I file_handle
> structure by making a call in which
> .IR handle->handle_bytes
> is zero;
> in this case, the call fails with the error
> and
> .IR handle->handle_bytes
> is set to indicate the required size;
> the caller can then use this information to allocate a structure
> of the correct size (see EXAMPLE below).
> Other than the use of the
> .IR handle_bytes
> field, the caller should treat the
> .IR file_handle
> structure as an opaque data type: the
> .IR handle_type
> and
> .IR f_handle
> fields are needed only by a subsequent call to
> .BR open_by_handle_at ().
> The
> .I flags
> argument is a bit mask constructed by ORing together zero or more of
> and
> described below.
> Together, the
> .I pathname
> and
> .I dirfd
> arguments identify the file for which a handle is to be obtained.
> There are four distinct cases:
> .IP * 3
> If
> .I pathname
> is a nonempty string containing an absolute pathname,
> then a handle is returned for the file referred to by that pathname.
> In this case,
> .IR dirfd
> is ignored.
> .IP *
> If
> .I pathname
> is a nonempty string containing a relative pathname and
> .IR dirfd
> has the special value
> then
> .I pathname
> is interpreted relative to the current working directory of the caller,
> and a handle is returned for the file to which it refers.
> .IP *
> If
> .I pathname
> is a nonempty string containing a relative pathname and
> .IR dirfd
> is a file descriptor referring to a directory, then
> .I pathname
> is interpreted relative to the directory referred to by
> .IR dirfd ,
> and a handle is returned for the file to which it refers.
> (See
> .BR openat (3)
> for an explanation of why "directory file descriptors" are useful.)
> .IP *
> If
> .I pathname
> is an empty string and
> .I flags
> specifies the value
> then
> .IR dirfd
> can be an open file descriptor referring to any type of file,
> or
> meaning the current working directory,
> and a handle is returned for the file to which it refers.
> .PP
> The
> .I mount_id
> argument returns an identifier for the filesystem
> mount that corresponds to
> .IR pathname .
> This corresponds to the first field in one of the records in
> .IR /proc/self/mountinfo .
> Opening the pathname in the fifth field of that record yields a file
> descriptor for the mount point;
> that file descriptor can be used in a subsequent call to
> .BR open_by_handle_at ().
> By default,
> .BR name_to_handle_at ()
> does not dereference
> .I pathname
> if it is a symbolic link, and thus returns a handle for the link itself.
> If
> is specified in
> .IR flags ,
> .I pathname
> is dereferenced if it is a symbolic link
> (so that the call returns a handle for the file referred to by the link).
> .SS open_by_handle_at()
> The
> .BR open_by_handle_at ()
> system call opens the file referred to by
> .IR handle ,
> a file handle returned by a previous call to
> .BR name_to_handle_at ().
> The
> .IR mount_fd
> argument is a file descriptor for any object (file, directory, etc.)
> in the mounted filesystem with respect to which
> .IR handle
> should be interpreted.
> The special value
> can be specified, meaning the current working directory of the caller.
> The
> .I flags
> argument
> is as for
> .BR open (2).
> .\" FIXME: Confirm that the following is intended behavior.
> .\"        (It certainly seems to be the behavior, from experimenting.)
> If
> .I handle
> refers to a symbolic link, the caller must specify the
> flag, and the symbolic link is not dereferenced; the
> flag, if specified, is ignored.
> The caller must have the
> capability to invoke
> .BR open_by_handle_at ().
> On success,
> .BR name_to_handle_at ()
> returns 0,
> and
> .BR open_by_handle_at ()
> returns a nonnegative file descriptor.
> In the event of an error, both system calls return \-1 and set
> .I errno
> to indicate the cause of the error.
> .BR name_to_handle_at ()
> and
> .BR open_by_handle_at ()
> can fail for the same errors as
> .BR openat (2).
> In addition, they can fail with the errors noted below.
> .BR name_to_handle_at ()
> can fail with the following errors:
> .TP
> .IR pathname ,
> .IR mount_id ,
> or
> .IR handle
> points outside your accessible address space.
> .TP
> .I flags
> includes an invalid bit value.
> .TP
> .IR handle_bytes\->handle_bytes
> is greater than
> .TP
> .I pathname
> is an empty string, but
> was not specified in
> .IR flags .
> .TP
> The file descriptor supplied in
> .I dirfd
> does not refer to a directory,
> and it is not the case that both
> .I flags
> includes
> and
> .I pathname
> is an empty string.
> .TP
> The filesystem does not support decoding of a pathname to a file handle.
> .TP
> The
> .I handle->handle_bytes
> value passed into the call was too small.
> When this error occurs,
> .I handle->handle_bytes
> is updated to indicate the required size for the handle.
> .\"
> .\"
> .PP
> .BR open_by_handle_at ()
> can fail with the following errors:
> .TP
> .IR mount_fd
> is not an open file descriptor.
> .TP
> .IR handle
> points outside your accessible address space.
> .TP
> .I handle->handle_bytes
> is greater than
> or is equal to zero.
> .TP
> .\" FIXME (see earlier FIXME). Is this the intended behavior?
> .I handle
> refers to a symbolic link, but
> was not specified in
> .IR flags .
> .TP
> The caller does not have the
> capability.
> .TP
> The specified
> .I handle
> is not valid.
> This error will occur if, for example, the file has been deleted.
> These system calls first appeared in Linux 2.6.39.
> Library support is provided in glibc since version 2.14.
> These system calls are nonstandard Linux extensions.
> A file handle can be generated in one process using
> .BR name_to_handle_at ()
> and later used in a different process that calls
> .BR open_by_handle_at ().
> Some filesystem don't support the translation of pathnames to
> file handles, for example,
> .IR /proc ,
> .IR /sys ,
> and various network filesystems.
> A file handle may become invalid ("stale") if a file is deleted,
> or for other filesystem-specific reasons.
> Invalid handles are notified by an
> error from
> .BR open_by_handle_at ().
> These system calls are designed for use by user-space file servers.
> For example, a user-space NFS server might generate a file handle
> and pass it to an NFS client.
> Later, when the client wants to open the file,
> it could pass the handle back to the server.
> .\" https://lwn.net/Articles/375888/
> .\"    "Open by handle" - Jonathan Corbet, 2010-02-23
> This sort of functionality allows a user-space file server to operate in
> a stateless fashion with respect to the files it serves.
> If
> .I pathname
> refers to a symbolic link and
> .IR flags
> does not specify
> then
> .BR name_to_handle_at ()
> returns a handle for the link (rather than the file to which it refers).
> .\" commit bcda76524cd1fa32af748536f27f674a13e56700
> The process receiving the handle can later perform operations
> on the symbolic link by converting the handle to a file descriptor using
> .BR open_by_handle_at ()
> with the
> flag, and then passing the file descriptor as the
> .IR dirfd
> argument in system calls such as
> .BR readlinkat (2)
> and
> .BR fchownat (2).

You may want to specify that one need to pass AT_EMPTY_PATH in case of
fchownat ? readlinkat do take null names, because there is no flags
argument. For syscalls that take flags, to make it operate on fd, one
need to pass "" path name and a flag value of AT_EMPTY_PATH.

> .SS Obtaining a persistent filesystem ID
> The mount IDs in
> .IR /proc/self/mountinfo
> can be reused as filesystems are unmounted and mounted.
> Therefore, the mount ID returned by
> .BR name_to_handle_at ()
> (in
> .IR *mount_id )
> should not be treated as a persistent identifier
> for the corresponding mounted filesystem.
> However, an application can use the information in the
> .I mountinfo
> record that corresponds to the mount ID
> to derive a persistent identifier.
> For example, one can use the device name in the fifth field of the
> .I mountinfo
> record to search for the corresponding device UUID via the symbolic links in
> .IR /dev/disks/by-uuid .
> (A more comfortable way of obtaining the UUID is to use the
> .\" e.g., 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6748429/using-libblkid-to-find-uuid-of-a-partition
> .BR libblkid (3)
> library.)
> That process can then be reversed,
> using the UUID to look up the device name,
> and then obtaining the corresponding mount point,
> in order to produce the
> .IR mount_fd
> argument used by
> .BR open_by_handle_at ().
> The two programs below demonstrate the use of
> .BR name_to_handle_at ()
> and
> .BR open_by_handle_at ().
> The first program
> .RI ( t_name_to_handle_at.c )
> uses
> .BR name_to_handle_at ()
> to obtain the file handle and mount ID
> for the file specified in its command-line argument;
> the handle and mount ID are written to standard output.
> The second program
> .RI ( t_open_by_handle_at.c )
> reads a mount ID and file handle from standard input.
> The program then employs
> .BR open_by_handle_at ()
> to open the file using that handle.
> If an optional command-line argument is supplied, then the
> .IR mount_fd
> argument for
> .BR open_by_handle_at ()
> is obtained by opening the directory named in that argument.
> Otherwise,
> .IR mount_fd
> is obtained by scanning
> .IR /proc/self/mountinfo
> to find a record whose mount ID matches the mount ID
> read from standard input,
> and the mount directory specified in that record is opened.
> (These programs do not deal with the fact that mount IDs are not persistent.)
> The following shell session demonstrates the use of these two programs:
> .in +4n
> .nf
> $ \fBecho 'Can you please think about it?' > cecilia.txt\fP
> $ \fB./t_name_to_handle_at cecilia.txt > fh\fP
> $ \fB./t_open_by_handle_at < fh\fP
> open_by_handle_at: Operation not permitted
> $ \fBsudo ./t_open_by_handle_at < fh\fP      # Need CAP_SYS_ADMIN
> Read 31 bytes
> $ \fBrm cecilia.txt\fP
> .fi
> .in
> Now we delete and (quickly) re-create the file so that
> it has the same content and (by chance) the same inode.
> Nevertheless,
> .BR open_by_handle_at ()
> .\" Christoph Hellwig: That's why the file handles contain a generation
> .\" counter that gets incremented in this case.
> recognizes that the original file referred to by the file handle
> no longer exists.
> .in +4n
> .nf
> $ \fBstat \-\-printf="%i\\n" cecilia.txt\fP     # Display inode number
> 4072121
> $ \fBrm cecilia.txt\fP
> $ \fBecho 'Can you please think about it?' > cecilia.txt\fP
> $ \fBstat \-\-printf="%i\\n" cecilia.txt\fP     # Check inode number
> 4072121
> $ \fBsudo ./t_open_by_handle_at < fh\fP
> open_by_handle_at: Stale NFS file handle
> .fi
> .in
> .SS Program source: t_name_to_handle_at.c
> \&
> .nf
> #define _GNU_SOURCE
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <sys/stat.h>
> #include <fcntl.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <errno.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #define errExit(msg)    do { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \\
>                         } while (0)
> int
> main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
>     struct file_handle *fhp;
>     int mount_id, fhsize, flags, dirfd, j;
>     char *pathname;
>     if (argc != 2) {
>         fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s pathname\\n", argv[0]);
>         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
>     }
>     pathname = argv[1];
>     /* Allocate file_handle structure */
>     fhsize = sizeof(*fhp);
>     fhp = malloc(fhsize);
>     if (fhp == NULL)
>         errExit("malloc");
>     /* Make an initial call to name_to_handle_at() to discover
>        the size required for file handle */
>     dirfd = AT_FDCWD;           /* For name_to_handle_at() calls */
>     flags = 0;                  /* For name_to_handle_at() calls */
>     fhp\->handle_bytes = 0;
>     if (name_to_handle_at(dirfd, pathname, fhp,
>                 &mount_id, flags) != \-1 || errno != EOVERFLOW) {
>         fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected result from name_to_handle_at()\\n");
>         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
>     }
>     /* Reallocate file_handle structure with correct size */
>     fhsize = sizeof(struct file_handle) + fhp\->handle_bytes;
>     fhp = realloc(fhp, fhsize);         /* Copies fhp\->handle_bytes */
>     if (fhp == NULL)
>         errExit("realloc");
>     /* Get file handle from pathname supplied on command line */
>     if (name_to_handle_at(dirfd, pathname, fhp, &mount_id, flags) == \-1)
>         errExit("name_to_handle_at");
>     /* Write mount ID, file handle size, and file handle to stdout,
>        for later reuse by t_open_by_handle_at.c */
>     printf("%d\\n", mount_id);
>     printf("%d %d   ", fhp\->handle_bytes, fhp\->handle_type);
>     for (j = 0; j < fhp\->handle_bytes; j++)
>         printf(" %02x", fhp\->f_handle[j]);
>     printf("\\n");
>     exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
> }
> .fi
> .SS Program source: t_open_by_handle_at.c
> \&
> .nf
> #define _GNU_SOURCE
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <sys/stat.h>
> #include <fcntl.h>
> #include <limits.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #define errExit(msg)    do { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \\
>                         } while (0)
> /* Scan /proc/self/mountinfo to find the line whose mount ID matches
>    \(aqmount_id\(aq. (An easier way to do this is to install and use the
>    \(aqlibmount\(aq library provided by the \(aqutil\-linux\(aq project.)
>    Open the corresponding mount path and return the resulting file
>    descriptor. */
> static int
> open_mount_path_by_id(int mount_id)
> {
>     char *linep;
>     size_t lsize;
>     char mount_path[PATH_MAX];
>     int mi_mount_id, found;
>     ssize_t nread;
>     FILE *fp;
>     fp = fopen("/proc/self/mountinfo", "r");
>     if (fp == NULL)
>         errExit("fopen");
>     found = 0;
>     linep = NULL;
>     while (!found) {
>         nread = getline(&linep, &lsize, fp);
>         if (nread == \-1)
>             break;
>         nread = sscanf(linep, "%d %*d %*s %*s %s",
>                        &mi_mount_id, mount_path);
>         if (nread != 2) {
>             fprintf(stderr, "Bad sscanf()\\n");
>             exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
>         }
>         if (mi_mount_id == mount_id)
>             found = 1;
>     }
>     free(linep);
>     fclose(fp);
>     if (!found) {
>         fprintf(stderr, "Could not find mount point\\n");
>         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
>     }
>     return open(mount_path, O_RDONLY);
> }
> int
> main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
>     struct file_handle *fhp;
>     int mount_id, fd, mount_fd, handle_bytes, j;
>     ssize_t nread;
>     char buf[1000];
> #define LINE_SIZE 100
>     char line1[LINE_SIZE], line2[LINE_SIZE];
>     char *nextp;
>     if ((argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "\-\-help") == 0) || argc > 2) {
>         fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [mount\-path]\\n", argv[0]);
>         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
>     }
>     /* Standard input contains mount ID and file handle information:
>          Line 1: <mount_id>
>          Line 2: <handle_bytes> <handle_type>   <bytes of handle in hex>
>     */
>     if ((fgets(line1, sizeof(line1), stdin) == NULL) ||
>            (fgets(line2, sizeof(line2), stdin) == NULL)) {
>         fprintf(stderr, "Missing mount_id / file handle\\n");
>         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
>     }
>     mount_id = atoi(line1);
>     handle_bytes = strtoul(line2, &nextp, 0);
>     /* Given handle_bytes, we can now allocate file_handle structure */
>     fhp = malloc(sizeof(struct file_handle) + handle_bytes);
>     if (fhp == NULL)
>         errExit("malloc");
>     fhp\->handle_bytes = handle_bytes;
>     fhp\->handle_type = strtoul(nextp, &nextp, 0);
>     for (j = 0; j < fhp\->handle_bytes; j++)
>         fhp\->f_handle[j] = strtoul(nextp, &nextp, 16);
>     /* Obtain file descriptor for mount point, either by opening
>        the pathname specified on the command line, or by scanning
>        /proc/self/mounts to find a mount that matches the \(aqmount_id\(aq
>        that we received from stdin. */
>     if (argc > 1)
>         mount_fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
>     else
>         mount_fd = open_mount_path_by_id(mount_id);
>     if (mount_fd == \-1)
>         errExit("opening mount fd");
>     /* Open file using handle and mount point */
>     fd = open_by_handle_at(mount_fd, fhp, O_RDONLY);
>     if (fd == \-1)
>         errExit("open_by_handle_at");
>     /* Try reading a few bytes from the file */
>     nread = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
>     if (nread == \-1)
>         errExit("read");
>     printf("Read %zd bytes\\n", nread);
>     exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
> }
> .fi
> .BR open (2),
> .BR libblkid (3),
> .BR blkid (8),
> .BR findfs (8),
> .BR mount (8)
> The
> .I libblkid
> and
> .I libmount
> documentation in the latest
> .I util-linux
> release at
> .UR https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/
> .UE
> -- 
> Michael Kerrisk
> Linux man-pages maintainer; http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/
> Linux/UNIX System Programming Training: http://man7.org/training/

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