On Thu, February 17, 2005 9:24 pm, Tupshin Harper said:

Hi Tupshin,

> Speaking as somebody that uses Darcs evey day, my opinion is that the
> future of OSS SCM will be something like arch or darcs but that neither
> are ready for projects the size of the linux kernel yet. Darcs is
> definitely way too slow for really large projects (though great for
> small to medium sized ones). Last I checked, Arch was still too slow in
> some areas, though that might have changed in recent months. Also, many
> people, me included, find the usability of arch to be from ideal.
> My hope and expectation is that Arch and Darcs will both improve their
> performance, features, and usability and that in the not too distant
> future both of them will be viable alternatives for large scale source
> tree management.

Falling into the same category probably is svk, although it's less mature
than the options you cite.

> The important thing for the health of the SCM ecosystem is that there be
> ways to losslessly convert and interoperate between them as well as
> between legacy/centralized systems such as CVS and SVN as well as with
> BK.



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