On Wed, 23 Feb 2005, Alan Kilian wrote:

        call    pci_enable_device(dev)
        ... before you use the IRQ in dev->irq.

        The reported IRQ is bogus until you make that
        call. It's a reported BUG, probably won't
        ever get fixed because it's considered a

        Also, make sure that your .config for the Dell looks
        something like:

        # CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS is not set
        # CONFIG_PCI_GODIRECT is not set


        This group was instrumental in helping me get my first-ever
        linux/PCI-bus device driver working last year, and I'm back for
        some more help if you are willing.

        I have a PCI card that generates an interrupt when it completes
        a DMA transfer to the PCs RAM.

        This works just fine on a Dell 4400 running 2.6.10-1.766_FC3

        When I try to run the driver on a Dell 2300 FC2/2.6.5-1.358smp
        or a Sun W2100Z running FC2/2.6.10-1.14_FC2smp I can see the
        DMA-done bit set in the device, but my interrupt service routine
        never gets called.

        On the Sun, I booted with "noapic" option, and it booted OK,
        but then when my device generated an interrupt, there was a
        kernel message about Disabling IRQ #5 and the system was hung

        I think this has something to do with the different interrupt
        hardware on the more advanced servers compared to my desktop
        Dell 4400, and I somehow need to "enable" the IOAPIC system
        so that my interrupt gets through to my service routine, but I
        don't know how.

        I tried grepping through the kernel/drivers source, and I didn't
        find anything that jumped out at me.

        The Rubini drivers book didn't help in this area either,
        although it's a wonderful book in other areas.

        I can post source somewhere if it will help.

        I can also post the essential bits from /var/log/messages about
        all the incredibly complicated IOAPIC configuration stuff.

        Thank you for your past help, and thank you in advance for any
        tips you can provide.


- Alan Kilian <kilian(at)bobodyne.com>

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