Lorenzo Hernández García-Hierro wrote:

Also, it was a pretty good thing from them this piece of work.
Think that they investors may dislike the model they followed when the
merge happened, anyways, and as an example, I pretty ignore those
patents claims,for example, think that Type Enforcement (TE) is patented
and before SELinux got in mainline the enterprise with rights on the
patent made a public announcement about their "opening" and "for-free"
use of their patented model.

You are confused. It is Secure Computing Corporation that holds patents that threaten SELinux http://www.securecomputing.com/pdf/Statement_of_Assurance.pdf

Immunix has never threatened any open source project with patent infringement.

Please get your facts straight before accusing someone of a serious act like that.


Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.  http://immunix.com/~crispin/
CTO, Immunix          http://immunix.com

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