Don't need to quote hash labels, especially when initializing.
Code is cleaner if unquoted.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <>

--- a/scripts/ 2014-05-26 13:09:47.000000000 -0700
+++ b/scripts/ 2014-05-26 13:27:49.000000000 -0700
@@ -94,69 +94,63 @@ my $rfc822_char = '[\\000-\\377]';
 my %VCS_cmds;
 my %VCS_cmds_git = (
-    "execute_cmd" => \&git_execute_cmd,
-    "available" => '(which("git") ne "") && (-e ".git")',
-    "find_signers_cmd" =>
-       "git log --no-color --follow --since=\$email_git_since " .
-           '--numstat --no-merges ' .
-           '--format="GitCommit: %H%n' .
-                     'GitAuthor: %an <%ae>%n' .
-                     'GitDate: %aD%n' .
-                     'GitSubject: %s%n' .
-                     '%b%n"' .
-           " -- \$file",
-    "find_commit_signers_cmd" =>
-       "git log --no-color " .
-           '--numstat ' .
-           '--format="GitCommit: %H%n' .
-                     'GitAuthor: %an <%ae>%n' .
-                     'GitDate: %aD%n' .
-                     'GitSubject: %s%n' .
-                     '%b%n"' .
-           " -1 \$commit",
-    "find_commit_author_cmd" =>
-       "git log --no-color " .
-           '--numstat ' .
-           '--format="GitCommit: %H%n' .
-                     'GitAuthor: %an <%ae>%n' .
-                     'GitDate: %aD%n' .
-                     'GitSubject: %s%n"' .
-           " -1 \$commit",
-    "blame_range_cmd" => "git blame -l -L \$diff_start,+\$diff_length \$file",
-    "blame_file_cmd" => "git blame -l \$file",
-    "commit_pattern" => "^GitCommit: ([0-9a-f]{40,40})",
-    "blame_commit_pattern" => "^([0-9a-f]+) ",
-    "author_pattern" => "^GitAuthor: (.*)",
-    "subject_pattern" => "^GitSubject: (.*)",
-    "stat_pattern" => "^(\\d+)\\t(\\d+)\\t\$file\$",
+    execute_cmd => \&git_execute_cmd,
+    available   => '(which("git") ne "") && (-e ".git")',
+    find_signers_cmd =>
+      "git log --no-color --follow --since=\$email_git_since "
+      . '--numstat --no-merges '
+      . '--format="GitCommit: %H%n'
+      . 'GitAuthor: %an <%ae>%n'
+      . 'GitDate: %aD%n'
+      . 'GitSubject: %s%n' . '%b%n"'
+      . " -- \$file",
+    find_commit_signers_cmd => "git log --no-color "
+      . '--numstat '
+      . '--format="GitCommit: %H%n'
+      . 'GitAuthor: %an <%ae>%n'
+      . 'GitDate: %aD%n'
+      . 'GitSubject: %s%n' . '%b%n"'
+      . " -1 \$commit",
+    find_commit_author_cmd => "git log --no-color "
+      . '--numstat '
+      . '--format="GitCommit: %H%n'
+      . 'GitAuthor: %an <%ae>%n'
+      . 'GitDate: %aD%n'
+      . 'GitSubject: %s%n"'
+      . " -1 \$commit",
+    blame_range_cmd => "git blame -l -L \$diff_start,+\$diff_length \$file",
+    blame_file_cmd  => "git blame -l \$file",
+    commit_pattern  => "^GitCommit: ([0-9a-f]{40,40})",
+    blame_commit_pattern => "^([0-9a-f]+) ",
+    author_pattern       => "^GitAuthor: (.*)",
+    subject_pattern      => "^GitSubject: (.*)",
+    stat_pattern         => "^(\\d+)\\t(\\d+)\\t\$file\$",
 my %VCS_cmds_hg = (
-    "execute_cmd" => \&hg_execute_cmd,
-    "available" => '(which("hg") ne "") && (-d ".hg")',
-    "find_signers_cmd" =>
-       "hg log --date=\$email_hg_since " .
-           "--template='HgCommit: {node}\\n" .
-                       "HgAuthor: {author}\\n" .
-                       "HgSubject: {desc}\\n'" .
-           " -- \$file",
-    "find_commit_signers_cmd" =>
-       "hg log " .
-           "--template='HgSubject: {desc}\\n'" .
-           " -r \$commit",
-    "find_commit_author_cmd" =>
-       "hg log " .
-           "--template='HgCommit: {node}\\n" .
-                       "HgAuthor: {author}\\n" .
-                       "HgSubject: {desc|firstline}\\n'" .
-           " -r \$commit",
-    "blame_range_cmd" => "",           # not supported
-    "blame_file_cmd" => "hg blame -n \$file",
-    "commit_pattern" => "^HgCommit: ([0-9a-f]{40,40})",
-    "blame_commit_pattern" => "^([ 0-9a-f]+):",
-    "author_pattern" => "^HgAuthor: (.*)",
-    "subject_pattern" => "^HgSubject: (.*)",
-    "stat_pattern" => "^(\\d+)\t(\\d+)\t\$file\$",
+    execute_cmd => \&hg_execute_cmd,
+    available   => '(which("hg") ne "" ) && ( -d ".hg" )',
+    find_signers_cmd => "hg log --date=\$email_hg_since "
+      . "--template='HgCommit: {node}\\n"
+      . "HgAuthor: {author}\\n"
+      . "HgSubject: {desc}\\n'"
+      . " -- \$file",
+    find_commit_signers_cmd => "hg log "
+      . "--template='HgSubject: {desc}\\n'"
+      . " -r \$commit",
+    find_commit_author_cmd => "hg log "
+      . "--template='HgCommit: {node}\\n"
+      . "HgAuthor: {author}\\n"
+      . "HgSubject: {desc|firstline}\\n'"
+      . " -r \$commit",
+    blame_range_cmd      => "",                               # not supported
+    blame_file_cmd       => "hg blame -n \$file",
+    commit_pattern       => "^HgCommit: ([0-9a-f]{40,40})",
+    blame_commit_pattern => "^([ 0-9a-f]+):",
+    author_pattern       => "^HgAuthor: (.*)",
+    subject_pattern      => "^HgSubject: (.*)",
+    stat_pattern         => "^(\\d+)\t(\\d+)\t\$file\$",
 my $conf = which_conf(".get_maintainer.conf");

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