Gene Heskett wrote:

On Wednesday 02 March 2005 21:36, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:

Another Linux patent.....

And that pretty much says it. Assigned to the Canopy Group. So SCO will have yet another lawsuit to threaten us with. If they survive the thrashing I've Been Moved will give them at the end of the day.

The way to fight the patents is for Linux developers to file their own and start
putting down stakes.

Too bad that you can figure out how to file a patent, but can't figure out how to setup an html link. Why the hell would I want to look at the link in kwrite?

Talk to the USPTO, they created these links from their website. BTW, if you check
the verson of web server run on the server, you will discover it is
Apache on IBM servers and IBM Linux. Ask them why IBM's sofware outputs
links this way.


Seems like a good question to me.

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