On Wed, Mar 02, 2005 at 07:46:05AM -0800, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> (In contrast the full ChangeLog was missing because the generation script
> I use is not exactly the smart way, so it's O(slow(n)), where slow is n**3 
> or worse, so the log from the last -rc release is fast, but going back all 
> the way to 2.6.10 took long long enough that I didn't wait for it).

Is there some reason why
        bk changes -aem -rv2.6.10..+ | shortlog
isn't sufficient?

I'd guess your script will want to calculate the 2.6.10 part
automatically, but that seems to run in a second or so on my machine,
from a largely cold cache.  I *think* this gets all the changes where a
-d (date) based method gets very confused by parallel trees.  Am I
missing something?


Ryan Anderson
  sometimes Pug Majere
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