On Tue, Jun 03, 2014 at 06:16:28PM +0100, Morten Rasmussen wrote:
> > So the per-task-load-tracking stuff already does that. It updates the
> > per-cpu load metrics on migration. See {de,en}queue_entity_load_avg().
> I think there is some confusion here. There are two per-cpu load metrics
> that tracks differently.
> The cfs.runnable_load_avg is basically the sum of the load contributions
> of the tasks on the cfs rq. The sum gets updated whenever tasks are
> {en,de}queued by adding/subtracting the load contribution of the task
> being added/removed. That is the one you are referring to.
> The rq runnable_avg_sum (actually rq->avg.runnable_avg_{sum, period}) is
> tracking whether the cpu has something to do or not. It doesn't matter
> many tasks are runnable or what their load is. It is updated in
> update_rq_runnable_avg(). It increases when rq->nr_running > 0 and
> decays if not. It also takes time spent running rt tasks into account in
> idle_{enter, exit}_fair(). So if you remove tasks from the rq, this
> metric will start decaying and eventually get to 0, unlike the
> cfs.runnable_load_avg where the task load contribution subtracted every
> time a task is removed. The rq runnable_avg_sum is the one being used in
> this patch set.
> Ben, pjt, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Argh, ok I completely missed that. I think the cfs.runnable_load_avg is
the sane number, not entirely sure what good rq->avg.runnable_avg is
good for, it seems a weird metric on first consideration.

Will have to ponder that a bit more.
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