Linus Torvalds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What I'd like to set up is the reverse. The same way the "wild" kernels
> tend to layer on top of my standard kernel, I'd like to have a lower
> level, the "anti-wild" kernel.  Something that is comprised of patches
> that _everybody_ can agree on, and that doesn't get anything else. AT ALL.
> And that means that such a kernel would not get all patches that you'd 
> want. That's fine.

Let's see if I understand your intent: this new tree would be a better base
for things like -ac than the mainline Linus kernel.  It would always be a
single short branch off the latest mainline stable kernel.  It would probably
form a good base for vendor kernels and other stability-needed kernels, but by
itself wouldn't necessarily be at that level of predictability.

Does that accurately sum up what you're trying to get across?

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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