On Thu, 2005-03-10 at 15:16 +0100, Lorenzo HernÃndez GarcÃa-Hierro
> Ported feature from grSecurity that makes possible to add an ipaddr
> entry in each /proc/<pid> (/proc/<pid>/ipaddr), where the task originating
> IP address is stored, and subsequently made available (readable) by the 
> process
> itself and also the root user with CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE capability (that can be 
> managed
> by specific security models implementations like SELinux).
> Available also at http://pearls.tuxedo-es.org/patches/task-curr_ip.patch

a few questions
1) Why is this a config option; if it's useful it should just be always
on really
2) Can you explain briefly what this is useful for?
3) How does this work for existing stuff if, say, your dhcp lease
changes and your machine no longer owns a certain IP, what will happen
to the tasks?
4) if a machine has multiple IPs.. which one is chosen ?

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