Christian Kujau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> unfortunately i've hit OOM again, this time with "#define DEBUG" enabled
>  in mm/oom_kill.c:
>  by "Mar 16 18:32" pppd died again and OOM kicked in 30min later.
>  (there are a *lot* messages of a shell script named "". it's
>  a little script which runs every minute or so to check if my default route
>  is still ok and if ping to the outside world are possible. definitely not
>  a memory hog, but noisy)
>  since tracking the "most memory consuming applications" did not reveal any
>  hints [1], i have monitored /proc/slabinfo and /proc/meminfo this time:
>  as stated before, i was suspecting pppd to be the bad guy here, and yes: i
>  downgraded pppd to an earlier version and pppd (and the system) survived 2
>  terminations of my dial-up ISP. yesterday i've upgraded back again to
>  current pppd (debian/unstable) and the OOM problem returned. yes, i'll bug
>  the debian people now (hello!), but grepping for "ppp" in
>  daily_stats- gives no hits. so "pppd" does not get *any* points
>  from mm/oom_kill.c and thus no attempts are made to kill it (it is always
>  only kill'able with "-9").

The oom-killer tries to be nicer to processes which are running as root.

> furthermore, i thought /proc/slabinfo coud give
>  me some hints about *where* all the memory went in. scrolling down this
>  file to the bottom, where "SwapFree" shows "0 kB" i don't see any alarming
>  numbers in the "slabinfo" right above "meminfo".

MemTotal:       256372 kB
MemFree:          3280 kB
Buffers:           608 kB
Cached:           3256 kB
SwapCached:        664 kB
Active:         105020 kB
Inactive:        20364 kB
HighTotal:           0 kB
HighFree:            0 kB
LowTotal:       256372 kB
LowFree:          3280 kB
SwapTotal:      784468 kB
SwapFree:            0 kB
Dirty:              12 kB
Writeback:           0 kB
Mapped:         130332 kB
Slab:            61424 kB
CommitLimit:    912652 kB
Committed_AS:  1323548 kB
PageTables:      51668 kB
VmallocTotal:   778184 kB
VmallocUsed:      3464 kB
VmallocChunk:   774492 kB

Some application went berzerk, used up all the swap and then oomed the box.

You could perhaps run `top -d1' then hit M so the output is sorted by
bloatiness, then try to catch the culprit.

But it would be better to have some app which prints the N most
memory-hungry processes every second and simply scrolls that up the screen. 
I'm not aware of such a thing, but it could be cooked up via
/proc/N/cmdline and /proc/N/statm.

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