> "Alan Curry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> With 2.6.11, I can no longer change the cursor with SVGATextMode. Previously,
>> a block cursor could be selected by
>>   echo Cursor 0-31 >> /etc/TextConfig ; SVGATextMode
>> and the cursor would be a block. On all consoles. Forever.
>> To accomplish the same thing using the softcursor escape sequences, I must:
>> 1. at boot, echo '^[[?8c' to each of /dev/tty1 through /dev/tty63.
>> 2. hack terminfo to contain ^[[?8c in place of ^[[?0c
>> 3. install the hacked terminfo on all other machines that I will log into
>> remotely
>> This still isn't quite right: the reset sequence ^[c destroys the block
>> cursor because the underline cursor is still the default.

Have you tried to recompile with a different default?
Look at <linux/console_struct.h>, and change the line
to e.g.
        #define CUR_DEFAULT CUR_BLOCK

>> An SVGATextMode
>> block cursor isn't affected by ^[c -- it truly *becomes* the default

True - it is obtained by hardware reprogramming. But having lots of programs
touch the hardware is getting less popular.

Concerning your 1. - You know that such an echo actually creates the VC?
I still recall the times that there was not enough memory for more than
four or five VCs, but probably you don't mind wasting a few hundred kB.

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