Randy.Dunlap wrote:
sean wrote:

Randy.Dunlap wrote:

Did you look in http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/snapshots/old/ ?

Yes I did.

Latest is 2.6.12-rc1-bk2, March 26.

None since then?

I can't explain it other than "the snapshots are broken."
All I do is look around for them, and behold, just look in


for the snapshots.

It's confusing and it needs to be fixed....

Jeff, is there some way that I can help to fix this,
with the requirement (for me) that I not be required to use BK?
I'll munge scripts or whatever...
but I guess that I'll also need a kernel.org account to do that.

Should hopefully just be changing get-version.pl ...

        Jeff, still catching up from trip+engagement

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Getopt::Std;

my (%opts, $mode, $s);

getopts('me', \%opts);

if ($opts{m}) {
        $mode = 0;
} elsif ($opts{e}) {
        $mode = 1;
} else {
        die "usage: get-version.pl [-e | -m]\n";

$s = <>;
chomp $s;
my @line = split(/\./, $s);

my ($kmicro, $kextra);

if ($#line == 3) {
        $kmicro = $line[2];
        $kextra = "." . $line[3];
} else {
        my @more = split(/-/, $line[2]);
        if ($#more == 1) {
                $kmicro = $more[0];
                $kextra = "-" . $more[1];
        } elsif (($#more == 0) && ($line[2] =~ /\d+/)) {
                $kmicro = $more[0];
                $kextra = "";
        } else {
                die "invalid extraversion parse";

if ($mode) {
        $s = $kextra;
} else {
        $s = $kmicro;

printf("%s\n", $s) unless ($s eq "");


Attachment: snapshot.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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