Paul Jackson wrote:
The x86_64 memset(), both in user space and the kernel, for whatever gcc
I have, and for a current kernel, uses the "repz stos" or "rep stosq"
prefixed instruction for the bulk of the copy.  This combination is a
long running, interruptible Intel string instruction that loops on
itself until the CX register decrements to zero.

Was your windows app using "stos"?

I'll wager a nickel that the actual crash you see comes when the
processor has to handle an interrupt while in the middle of this

I'll wager a dime it's hardware, though interrupt activity may be
required to provoke it.

I ended up making a test program which essentially did the same thing except not using memset (just moving an int* up repeatedly and setting the value there to 0). That worked fine on both Windows and Linux. I then tried such a program using a long* compiled as 64-bit on Linux, that also worked fine. It seems like I can only reproduce it when memset is actually used..

I don't remember exactly what the Windows memset was using, that was on my work machine - it was inline assembly though, and I do know that it had only one instruction for the whole set, so it was likely "repz stos" or something similar to that.

As it turns out, the memset in my version of glibc x86_64 is not using such a string instruction though - it seems to be using two different sets of instructions depending on the size of the memset (not sure exactly how they're calculating the threshold between these..) For sizes below the treshold, this is the inner loop - it's using normal mov instructions:

3:      /* Copy 64 bytes.  */
        mov     %r8,(%rcx)
        mov     %r8,0x8(%rcx)
        mov     %r8,0x10(%rcx)
        mov     %r8,0x18(%rcx)
        mov     %r8,0x20(%rcx)
        mov     %r8,0x28(%rcx)
        mov     %r8,0x30(%rcx)
        mov     %r8,0x38(%rcx)
        add     $0x40,%rcx
        dec     %rax
        jne     3b

For sizes above the threshold though, this is the inner loop. It's using movnti which is an SSE cache-bypasssing store:

11:     /* Copy 64 bytes without polluting the cache.  */
        /* We could use movntdq    %xmm0,(%rcx) here to further
           speed up for large cases but let's not use XMM registers.  */
        movnti  %r8,(%rcx)
        movnti  %r8,0x8(%rcx)
        movnti  %r8,0x10(%rcx)
        movnti  %r8,0x18(%rcx)
        movnti  %r8,0x20(%rcx)
        movnti  %r8,0x28(%rcx)
        movnti  %r8,0x30(%rcx)
        movnti  %r8,0x38(%rcx)
        add     $0x40,%rcx
        dec     %rax
        jne     11b

I'm wondering if one does a ton of these cache-bypassing stores whether something gets hosed because of that. Not sure what that could be though. I don't imagine the chipset is involved with any of that on the Athlon 64 - either the CPU or RAM seems the most likely suspect to me

Robert Hancock      Saskatoon, SK, Canada
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