----Original Message----
>From: Dave Korn
>Sent: 06 April 2005 12:53

> ----Original Message----
>> From: Dave Korn
>> Sent: 06 April 2005 12:13
>> ----Original Message----
>>> From: Dave Korn
>>> Sent: 06 April 2005 12:06
>>   Me and my big mouth.
>>   OK, that one does work.
>>   Sorry for the outburst.
> .... well, actually, maybe it doesn't after all.
>   What's that uninitialised variable ecx doing there eh?

  Oh, I see, it's there as an output so it can be matched as an input by the
"0" constraint.

  Ok, guess it does.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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