David Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>Copyright law only _explicitly_ grants a monopoly on preparation of
>>derivative works.  However, it is trivial, and overwhelmingly common,
>>for a copyright owner to grant a license to create a derivative work
>>that is conditional on how the licensee agrees to distribute (or not
>>distribute) the derivative work.
> This would, of course, only make sense if you *had* to agree to the license
> to *create* the derivative work. If you were able to create the derivative
> work under first sale or fair use rights, then the restrictions in the
> contract would not apply to you.

If you buy a W*nd*ws install CD, you can create a derived work, e.g. an image
of your installation, under the fair use rights (IANAL). Can you distribute
that image freely?
Friendly fire isn't. 

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