On Mon, 4 Jul 2005, Martin Mokrejs wrote:

> Hi,
>   I use on i686 architecture Gentoo linux with XFS filesystem.
> Recently it happened to me 3 time that the machine locked,
> although at least once sys-rq+b worked. Here is the log
> from remote console. I don't remeber having such problems
> with 2.6.12-rc6-git2, which was my previous testing kernel.
> The problems appear under heavy load when I compile/install
> some packages and maybe it's just a bad coincidence or not,
> when I move my usb mouse in fvwm2 environment. The machine
> locks.
> Any clues? Please Cc: me in replies.

Could you send your .config, and also test without CONFIG_4KSTACKS (if 


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