On Tue, 2005-07-05 at 13:33 +0200, Patrick Plattes wrote:
> Hi Ho :-),
> we have some trouble with the 2.6v kernel tree and CDRecord 2.01 (Debian
> Sarge package). If we try to write an 150MB CD the memory fills up to
> 150MB. The memory will not deallocate after closing cdrecord. Next if we
> try to write an 200MB CD the memory will filled up to additional 50MB.
> We don't know which part of the software is steals our memory. This only
> happens on 2.6, not on an 2.4 system and we can reproduce the bug only
> on the asus notebook.
> We have tried to find the leak with top and slabtop, but inconclusively. I 
> put some information together. The informations are taken from the system 
> after burning a 154MB CD. Please have a look at: 
> http://cdrecord.sourcecode.cc . 
> I uploaded the files to this address, to avoid high traffic on the lkml.

Please post /proc/slabinfo as well.


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