On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 11:24:51AM +0200, Stefano Rivoir wrote:
> Roberts-Thomson, James wrote:
> >I'm trying to diagnose an issue with a USB "Memory Key" (128Mb Flash drive)
> >on my workstation (i386 Linux 2.6.12 kernel, using udev 058).
> >When connecting the key, the kernel fails to read the partition table, and
> >therefore the block device /dev/sda1 isn't created, so I can't mount the
> >volume.  Calling "fdisk" manually, however, makes it all work.
> >Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0ea0:2168 Ours Technology, Inc. Transcend JetFlash
> >2.0
> Just a "vote" for this: same USB key, same symptoms, same inability to 
> use the key: I can create the fs and use it, but once unmounted it won't 
> be mounted anymore.

I have the same memory key (128Mb also), I didn't try it on recent 2.6,
but on previous ones (like, 2.6.8 for example), I know it DID work...
without problems... with factory partitioning though, I didn't

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