On Monday 11 July 2005 17:44, Dmitry Torokhov wrote:
> >        Descendant must be indented at least to the level of the innermost
> >        compound expression in the parent. All descendants at the same level
> >        are indented the same.
> >        if (foobar(.................................) + barbar * foobar(bar +
> >                                                                        foo *
> >                                                                        
> > oof)) {
> >        }
> Ugh, that's as ugly as it can get... Something like below is much
> easier to read...
>         if (foobar(.................................) +
>             barbar * foobar(bar + foo * oof)) {
>         }
Even easier is
         if (foobar(.................................)
             + barbar * foobar(bar + foo * oof)) {

since a statement cannot start with binary operators
and as such we are SURE that there must have been something before.
And this matches with old shop owner calculations like:

+  2
+  3

which we all know since early math classes.


Ingo Oeser

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