> What's your device-mapper/lvm configuration and what 'lvm' command
> did you run to trigger this?

Nothing special... it happens while booting Fedora Core 4.

>   'dmsetup info -c'
>   'dmsetup table'
>   'lvs --segments -o+devices -a'

# cat /etc/fstab
/dev/VolGroup00/Root    /                       ext3    defaults        1 1
/dev/VolGroup00/Home    /home                   ext3    nodev           1 2
/dev/VolGroup00/Swap     none                   swap    defaults        0 0

# dmsetup info -c
Name             Maj Min Stat Open Targ Event  UUID
VolGroup00-Home  253   2 L--w    1    1      0
VolGroup00-Swap  253   1 L--w    1    1      0
VolGroup00-Root  253   0 L--w    1    1      0

# dmsetup table
VolGroup00-Home: 0 190414848 linear 3:2 42008960
VolGroup00-Swap: 0 1048576 linear 3:2 40960384
VolGroup00-Root: 0 40960000 linear 3:2 384

# lvs --segments -o+devices -a
  LV   VG         Attr   #Str Type   SSize   Devices         
  Home VolGroup00 -wi-ao    1 linear  90.80G /dev/hda2(5128) 
  Root VolGroup00 -wi-ao    1 linear  19.53G /dev/hda2(0)    
  Swap VolGroup00 -wi-ao    1 linear 512.00M /dev/hda2(5000)
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