Dear Richard,

I have tried your module to print message to the file in the kernel
I am able to get it work till the initialization level. Later when I
insert the card the system hangs.

Please suggest me what could be the problem. Or is there a way to get
all my LOG messages perfectly even when the system hangs after the

Waiting for ur suggestions.

Mukund Jampala

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Richard B. Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 11:18 PM
>To: Mukund JB.
>Cc: Linux kernel
>Subject: Re: FC3 module sys_print how...
>Third try.......
>On Fri, 15 Jul 2005, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
>> Second try.........
>> On Fri, 15 Jul 2005, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
>>> It's no longer exported. You can either modify your kernel to
>>> export it or you can use that attached work-around to extract
>>> the symbol offset from /boot/
>>> Please note that manipulating files from within a module has
>>> never been supported. It just "sort of" works sometimes. In
>>> your demo code, it will work because the process-context that
>>> obtains the file-handle is the process that is running 'insmod'.
>>> If somebody else tried to write to that file after the module
>>> was installed, all bets are off. I strongly suggest that
>>> you provide hooks in your module (ioctl() or mmap(), etc) that
>>> a user-mode helper program can use to send or receive file-data
>>> from your module.
>>> On Fri, 15 Jul 2005, Mukund JB. wrote:
>>>> Dear Linux-lovers.
>>>> I am trying to build a 2.6.10 linux kernel module to print messages
>>>> file. I have done this 2.4 and I was successful but I am failing
>>>> I am using the sys_open, sys_write calls to do so.
>>>> I am getting a compilation warning and I find no .ko file created
>>>> finally instead I find an .o.ko file.
>>>> *** WARNIG: "sys_write" [/home/cf.o.ko] undefined!
>>>> Below is the module code. Please suggest me what could be the
>>>> #include <linux/kernel.h>
>>>> #include <linux/module.h>
>>>> #include <linux/moduleparam.h>
>>>> #include <asm/fcntl.h>        /* for O_WRONLY */
>>>> #include <linux/syscalls.h>   /* for sys_ functions */
>>>> #include <asm/uaccess.h>      /* for set_fs(), get_fs() etc. */
>>>> #include <linux/string.h>     /* for string length */
>>>> #include <linux/slab.h>       /* for kmalloc */
>>>> /*
>>>> #define DBG
>>>> #define PRINTK(fmt,arg...) printk("DBG INFO <%s> | "
>>>> fmt,__FUNCTION__,##arg)
>>>> #else
>>>> #define PRINTK(fmt,arg...) while(0)
>>>> #endif
>>>> */
>>>> typedef struct tagWRITE_TEST
>>>> {
>>>>      unsigned long fd;
>>>>      unsigned long x;
>>>> PWRITE_TEST ptest;
>>>> void SysPrint(char * pString, ...)
>>>> {
>>>>      static char buff[1024];
>>>>      va_list ap;
>>>>      va_start(ap,pString);
>>>>      vsprintf((char *)buff, pString, ap);
>>>>      va_end(ap);
>>>>      sys_write(ptest->fd,(char *)buff,(size_t)strlen(buff));
>>>> }
>>>> int init_module(void)
>>>> {
>>>>      printk("<%s> invoked!\n",__FUNCTION__);
>>>>      printk("File Creation Testing in Kernel Module!\n");
>>>>      set_fs(get_ds());
>>>>      /* allocate the memory for structre */
>>>>      ptest = (PWRITE_TEST)kmalloc(sizeof(WRITE_TEST),GFP_KERNEL);
>>>>      if(ptest == NULL)
>>>>      {
>>>>            printk("Structure Memory Allocation Fails!\n");
>>>>            return -ENOMEM;
>>>>      }
>>>>      ptest->fd = sys_open("srcdebug.txt", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 644);
>>>>      if (ptest->fd == 0)
>>>>      {
>>>>            SysPrint("File Creation Error!!!\n");
>>>>            return 1;
>>>>      }
>>>>      SysPrint("File Creation Testing in Kernel Module!\n");
>>>>      SysPrint("Srinivas Testing the File Creation\n");
>>>>      sys_close(ptest->fd);
>>>>      return 0;
>>>> }
>>>> void cleanup_module(void)
>>>> {
>>>>      printk("Good bye!\n");
>>>>      /* free the allocated memory */
>>>>      kfree(ptest);
>>>> }
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Mukund jampala
>>>> -
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>>> Cheers,
>>> Dick Johnson
>>> Penguin : Linux version 2.6.12 on an i686 machine (5537.79
>>> Notice : All mail here is now cached for review by Dictator Bush.
>>>                 98.36% of all statistics are fiction.
>> Cheers,
>> Dick Johnson
>> Penguin : Linux version 2.6.12 on an i686 machine (5537.79 BogoMips).
>> Notice : All mail here is now cached for review by Dictator Bush.
>>                 98.36% of all statistics are fiction.
>Dick Johnson
>Penguin : Linux version 2.6.12 on an i686 machine (5537.79 BogoMips).
>  Notice : All mail here is now cached for review by Dictator Bush.
>                  98.36% of all statistics are fiction.
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