On Tue, Jul 19, 2005 at 08:22:26PM +0200, Jan Blunck wrote:

> Since these "arranged" values are also used as the offsets in the
> return dirent IMO it is quite clean.

So the size you want to reflect is n*<stack-depth> i take it?  Where
in this case n is 20?

So you can seek to m*<stack-depth>+<offset> to access an offset into
something at depth m?

> Nope. This value is kind of traditional: tmpfs is using it
> (http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=linux-kernel&m=103208296515378&w=2). I
> think a better value would be 1 (one) since this is also used as the
> dirent offset by dcache_readdir().

I really don't know why tmpfs is doing this.

> The i_size of a directory isn't covered by the POSIX standard. IMO,
> it should be possible to seek in the range of i_size and a following
> readdir() on the directory should succeed.

With what defined semantics?  What if an entry is added in between
seek and readdir?

> But this isn't possible even not with real file systems like ext2.

I'm not sure how expecting a meaningful offset into a directory can
have consistent bahvior.

> But keeping the i_size bound to zero even if the directory contains
> entries does not make sense at all.

Why?  It seems perfectly reasonable that we can return 0 in such
cases.  Zero seems to make more sense as 'magical/unknown' than say
any other arbitrary value.

It's also possible a regular filesystem could return an arbitrary
value such as 20 (not that this directly matters except it becomes
confusing potentially):

    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mkdir foobar
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -ld foobar
    drwxr-xr-x  2 cw cw 6 Jul 19 11:29 foobar

    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mkdir foobar/1234567
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -ld foobar
    drwxr-xr-x  3 cw cw 20 Jul 19 11:30 foobar
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