On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 01:14:38PM +0200, Kasper Sandberg wrote:
> hello.. i have a small problem with inotify in kernel 2.6.13-rc3-git4 -
> i do not get the inotify device, i know i build it in,
> gzcat /proc/config.gz | grep -i inotify confirms it, and i have a very
> new udev, where inotify is in the rules file, i tried udevstart but it
> did not create me the inotify device..
> anyone that can help? perhaps a fix is known?

 Inotify got converted to using syscall. There is no longer a device
node. You can check the details of using inotify here:

Tomasz Torcz                 "God, root, what's the difference?"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         "God is more forgiving."

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