On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> OK, I guess when I get some time, I'll start testing all the i386 bitop
>> functions, comparing the asm with the gcc versions.  Now could someone
>> explain to me what's wrong with testing hot cache code. Can one
>> instruction retrieve from memory better than others?

Yes! Intel has more than 'load' and 'store' instructions. If
memory is in the cache, the following memory operations are
shown fastest to slowest...

        movl    (%ebx), %eax            # Index-register indirect. Note that
                                        # ebx needs to be loaded so the overall
                                        # access might be slower. Also some
                                        # index registers are faster on
                                        # some CPUs (486-> eax is fastest)
        movl    (mem), %eax             # Direct from memory into register
        movl    0x04(%ebx), %eax        # Index-register plus displacment
        movl    (%esi, %ebx), %eax      # Two register indirect
        movl    0x04(%esi, %ebx), %eax  # Two register plus displacement

When using 'movl (men), %eax', "mem" is a 32-bit word that is fetched
from the instruction stream while 'movl (%ebx), %eax' is only 2 bytes.
Therefore, if an index register can remain loaded with the correct offset
or manipulated with 'lea', then single-register indirect memory
access is fastest on current ix86 processors.

> To add one to Linus' list, note that all current AMD & Intel chips
> record instruction boundaries in L1 cache, either predecoding on
> L1 cache load, or marking the boundaries on first execution.
> The P4 takes it to an extreme, but P3 and K7/K8 do it too.
> The result is that there are additional instruction decode limits
> that apply to cold-cache code.
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Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.6.12 on an i686 machine (5537.79 BogoMips).
Warning : 98.36% of all statistics are fiction.
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