Indeed I didn't specify what my project is about... My goal is to
benchmark several QoS process schedulers, comparing them to the native
kernel scheduler. I didn't, however, decided how will the benchmarking
be done. Any sugestions?

On 7/29/05, Stephen Pollei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/29/05, Vitor Curado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You assumed right, Stephen: I'm interested in QoS process scheduling,
> > sorry for not specifying it...
> >
> > I'm taking a deeper look at the qlinux, ckrm and the plugsched
> > schedulers, if you have any more links, please send them to me...
> Also you didn't specify what kind of clustering you are doing and for
> what ultimate purpose.
> Oracle DB Real Application Clusters (RAC)
> transparent application failover (TAF)
> High Availability (HA)
> High Performance Computing (HPC)
> That can strongly effect what solutions you would want to look at.
> For instance if you were running a render farm, or a scientific
> compute beowulf cluster, then
> your "scheduling" will be handled more in the MPI or PVM code perhaps.
> The running processes themselves would most likely be using something
> like SCHED_BATCH, with larger than usual time-slices. Maybe you
> monitor how many mips actually get consumed and then adjust which
> nodes get scheduled with what, or how many work units get handed out
> to get back to fairness.
> clock_t times(struct tms *buf);
> int getrusage(int who, struct rusage *usage);
> to track system and user time is about on track, but I think someone
> might be able to fool you, if thats all you could use to account for
> cpu time taken from another userland process.
> So maybe you just need better reporting/accounting hooks and then you
> can do the rest in userland?
> > On 7/28/05, Wes Felter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Vitor Curado wrote:
> > > > I'm working on a research about QoS schedulers for Linux clusters.
> > > > Moreover, the ideal would be that the scheduler is implemented
> > > > altering the native kernel scheduler. I'm kind of having trouble to
> > > > find such schedulers, can anybody help me out?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> That qlinux one is new to me. I notice that the 2.6 kernel has support
> for modular plugable disk I/O and network schedulers now.
> So  a Hierarchical Start Time Fair Queuing (H-SFQ) network packet
> scheduler module could be made.
> I wonder how that Cello scheduler would stack-up to AS, Deadline, cfq,
> noop, etc etc.
> The qlinux cpu scheduler would be best to use plugsched for use with 2.6.x
> --
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