Lee Revell schrieb:
> On Tue, 2005-08-02 at 11:42 -0400, James Bruce wrote:
>>I do like saving power, which is why I run cpu frequency scaling on 
>>every machine I have that supports it.
> My Athlon XP desktop doesn't support frequency scaling but has working
> ACPI C-states (at least under Windows) so will run as cool as 31C when
> idle (with the CPUIdle utility).  Most of the heat comes from the hard
> drives anyway, but that's a different story.
> This seems pretty cool to me, how much more power does frequency scaling
> save over that, assuming you suspend after 5-10 minutes of inactivity
> anyway?

I am a gentoo user an compile a lot of things. I also use freq scaling with my
Athlon XP on nforce2 with cpu disconnect enabled.

idle at ~1400MHz:      ~135 WATT used by system
full load at ~1400MHz: ~150 WATT
full load at ~2200MHz: ~230 WATT

So, if I don't need something very quickly, so can guess that I prefer to do
compiling at low clock speeds... (Suspend won't work for me.)



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