On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 09:22:43PM +0200, DervishD wrote:
>     If I plug my MP3 player (USB), the usb-storage module assigns it
> device /dev/sda, which is right because I have it configured as such
> in my /etc/fstab. Well, another day, another boot and I plug my USB
> memory stick, and usb-storage assigns it device /dev/sda, quite cool
> because I have it configured as such in my /etc/fstab, too.
>     The problem is that if I plug my USB memory, unplug it and plug
> my MP3 player, it gets /dev/sdb this time, not /dev/sda. The mess is
> even greater if I plug my card reader, which has four LUN's...

 That's what udev is for. Example rule to give my memory stick
persistent name:

BUS="usb", SYSFS_serial="5B4B06010122", NAME="pendriveZDZ%n", GROUP="floppy", 
MODE="0662", RUN+= "/sbin/udev_run_hotplugd"

 Go figure how to udev-enable your distribution.

Tomasz Torcz               "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    wagon filled with backup tapes." -- Jim Gray

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