On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:53:00PM -0700, Cong Wang wrote:
> (Please always Cc netdev for networking bugs.)
> On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:29 PM, Ken Moffat <zarniwh...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> > On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 03:43:52AM +0100, Ken Moffat wrote:
> >> Anybody else suffering frm lost network connectivity in 4.0.x
> >> kernels ?  A couple of times this week, vim on an nfs-3 mount hung
> >> and I had to reboot.  Both of those occasions were on an AMD desktop
> >> with the r8169 driver, running 4.0.3.  I thought it might be
> >> specific to that machine.  For the last two or three days I've been
> >> using an intel, and about 10 minutes ago it suffered the same problem
> >> while running 4.0.4.  Using ping from another term showed that it
> >> had no connectivity to the server on my local network.
> >>
> >> This is a bit hard to diagnose - nothing in the logs.
> >>
> > I forgot to add that this is with the released gcc-5.1 : I keep
> > forgetting that some people use old compilers ;-)
> >
> Is there any way you can help to narrow down the problem?

Thanks for the reply.  The problem is continuing to show up, but
irregularly and often only after the machine has been booted for a
long time (with s2ram, but I don't think I've used s2ram on every

> For example:
> 1) What is your network setup? iptables? routes? etc.
I'm using iptables.  Ah, yes - it started dropping packets around
the time I last had a problem:

May 27 00:48:26 ac4tv dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to
port 67
May 27 00:48:27 ac4tv dhclient: DHCPACK from
May 27 00:48:27 ac4tv dhclient: bound to -- renewal in
1787 seconds.

 That address came from my router, and I had been getting the same
address for an hour, tbut then the dropped packet messages start
appearing - they are for a different address, one that would have
been offered by my server:

May 27 00:53:16 ac4tv kernel: [31922.316798] IPTABLES Packet
Dropped: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=c8:60:00:97:07:35:bc:ae:c5:57:70:c5:08:00
SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64
May 27 00:53:17 ac4tv kernel: [31923.316612] IPTABLES Packet
Dropped: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=c8:60:00:97:07:35:bc:ae:c5:57:70:c5:08:00
SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64

and those continued until I forced a reboot.

> 2) Can you check the stats to see if there is any error?
>   `ip -s -s li show`, `ethtool -S <DEV>`

I don't have ethtool installed, and that ip command appears ok at
the moment:

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
mode DEFAULT group default 
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    RX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped overrun mcast   
    3964       66       0       0       0       0       
    RX errors: length   crc     frame   fifo    missed
               0        0       0       0       0       
    TX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped carrier collsns 
    3964       66       0       0       0       0       
    TX errors: aborted  fifo   window heartbeat transns
               0        0       0       0       0       
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether c8:60:00:97:07:35 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    RX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped overrun mcast   
    224661061  277642   0       0       0       0       
    RX errors: length   crc     frame   fifo    missed
               0        0       0       0       0       
    TX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped carrier collsns 
    278152429  370438   0       0       0       0       
    TX errors: aborted  fifo   window heartbeat transns
               0        0       0       0       6       

> 3) Do a bisect?
> Thanks!

That doesn't seem very practical when the machine is ok for a couple
of days at a time.

Nanny Ogg usually went to bed early. After all, she was an old lady.
Sometimes she went to bed as early as 6 a.m.
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