On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 15:14:38 +0200 Paul Rolland wrote:

> I've just rebooted a machine, and the eagle ADSL modem I was using,
> presented as /proc/bus/usb/002/005 in now presented as 
> /proc/bus/usb/002/003 (same bus, but device ID changed from 5 to 3).
> Is this an expected behavior, when running a 2.4.31 kernel ?

Yes.  Addresses for USB devices are assigned dynamically.  If you
disconnect the modem from USB and connect it again, its address will

> I would have been expecting some more stability in the numbering across
> reboot, the same way IDE disks numbers are stable.

Use some other identifier which is stable - e.g., serial number of the
USB device (unfortunately, many devices don't have it).

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