
On Wed, 24 Aug 2005, john stultz wrote:

> Ok, well, I'm still at a loss for understanding how this avoids my
> concern about time inconsistencies.

Let's take a simple example to demonstrate the difference between system 
time and reference time.
NTP tells us to update the reference time by 1000 units every tick and a 
single tick consists of 123 cycles, so the initial multiplier is 8. This 
means after 1 tick the system time is 984 and off by -16:

time (ticks)    reference time  system time     mult    error
0               0               0               8       0
1               1000            984             8       -16
2               2000            1968            8       -32
3               3000            2952            8       -48
4               4000            3936            9       -64

the error is now big enough, so we speed up system time:

5               5000            5043            9       43
6               6000            6150            8       150

and slow it down again:

7               7000            7134            8       134
8               8000            8118            8       118
9               9000            9102            8       102
10              10000           10086           8       86
11              11000           11070           8       70
12              12000           12054           8       54
13              13000           13038           8       38
14              14000           14022           8       22
15              15000           15006           8       6
16              16000           15990           8       -10
17              17000           16974           8       -26
18              18000           17958           8       -42
19              19000           18942           8       -58
20              20000           19926           8       -74

let's assume we're late with the update by 10 cycles 
(gettimeofday=19926+10*8=20006), so a change to the mult also requires a 
adjustment of the system time:

20+10           20000           19916           9       -84

so gettimeofday=19916+10*9=20006

21              21000           21023           9       23
22              22000           22130           8       130

now add a single adjustment of 500 to the reference time:

23              23500           23114           11      -386
24              24500           24467           8       -33

A detail which is missing now in my example code is that we actually 
should look ahead to the next update, so that multiplier is immediately 
adjusted and the error above would never exceed 123/2 unless an update is 

It's really not that difficult :), it's just important to understand the 
difference between reference time and system time. All the NTP adjustments 
are done to the reference time and we manipulate the speed of the system 
clock to keep it close. The latter has _nothing_ to do with NTP so I don't 
want to see anything called like ntp_adj there.

bye, Roman
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