On 8/30/05, zhang yuanyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, everyone!
> The "range support" may be puzzled, but I don't know how to express my
> problem exactly because of my poor english.
> Just take an example, I may need all udp packets received on eth0
> which source port is greater than 53 going into flow 10:1,  and I only
> wanna to type one tc command like this(In fact, I communicated with
> kernel directly):
>     tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 20 \
>                                   u32 match udp sport gt 53 0xffff \
>                                         match ip protocol 17 0xff\
>                                    flowid 10:1
> But I found I can't, because u32 classifier doesn't support matching
> multi-value in one key.So I need to add (65535-53) keys to a u32
> filter to implement this.
> I intend to solve this problem by modifying u32 filter to match
> multi-value in one key, but I am worrying the preformance.
> Can someone give me some suggestions?
How is this a kernel problem?
"tc" is a userspace app. I think you'd be better off talking to Alexey
Kuznetsov (added to Cc), who wrote tc, about this.

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