jg wrote @ Thu, 01 Sep 2005 11:59:33 -0400:

> Legacy hardware and that being proposed/built for the developing world
> is tougher; we have code in hand for existing chips, and the price point
> is even well below cell phones on those devices. They don't have
> anything beyond basic blit and, miracles of miracles, alpha blending.
> These are built on one or two generation back fabs, again for cost.
> And as there are no carriers subsidizing the hardware cost, the real
> hardware cost has to be met, at very low price points.  They don't come
> with the features Allen admires in the latest cell phone chips.

So you suggest, that we, that have capable cards, which can be had for
< 50 Euro here, see that we find something better than X.org to run
on them because X.org is concentrating on < 10 Euro chips?
Somehow i always thought that older xfree86 trees were just fine for them.

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