I had a talk a Linuxcon Europe last week about the deadline scheduler from an audio developer's perspective. The talk was AFAIK not recorded but the slides are here [1]. I've also had a few email conversations with Juri Lelli (thanks!) who suggested to follow up on LKML after the talk.

In short, the main thesis of the talk is that the deadline scheduler's requirement of entering a runtime (in time units) can be a difficult question to answer, for a variety of reasons:

* CPU capacity changes (e g the kernel changes frequency dynamically, or in the case of big.LITTLE even moves to a core with different characteristics)

* The software itself need to adapt to changes in the audio pipeline. This might require a temporary "boost" that's greater than the normal runtime, and might also occur when the current period's runtime has already been consumed.

For the latter problem someone in the audience suggested to temporarily change the thread to SCHED_FIFO, and then back to SCHED_DEADLINE when normal operations are resumed. An open question is whether we can do better than that?

* In addition, I raised the question of how much time in PREEMPT_OFF would count as a bug. This might be an impossible question to answer for all use cases, but even a ballpark figure for typical laptop hardware would be better than nothing. 100 us? 1 ms? 10 ms? 100 ms? I think most of us would think spending, say, 10 seconds in PREEMPT_OFF would be quite bad - but is there anything that says that a driver should not do that?

David Henningsson, Canonical Ltd.

[1] http://events.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/slides/deadline%20audio%20-%20Linuxcon%20EU%202015.pdf
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