On 12/6/23 10:12, David Gow wrote:
I'm pretty happy with this personally, though I definitely think we
need the support for tests which aren't just executable scripts (e.g.
the docs in patch 6).

The get_maintailer.pl bits, and hence the requirement to not include
'@', feel a little bit 'off': I'd rather get_maintainer.pl kept emails
and tests separate by some other means (either having --test _only_
print tests, not emails at all, or by giving them a prefix like
'TEST:' or something). But that is diverging more from the existing
behaviour of get_maintainer.pl, so I could go either way.

Otherwise, this looks pretty good. I'll give it a proper test tomorrow
alongside the other patches.

Thanks for the review, David!

Yeah, I don't like the '@' bit myself, but it seems to be the path of least resistance right now (not necessarily the best one, of course).

I'm up for adding an option to get_maintainer.pl that disables email output, if people like that, though.


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