Add the infrastructure for guest exception handling in riscv selftests.
Customized handlers can be enabled by vm_install_exception_handler(vector)
or vm_install_interrupt_handler().

The code is inspired from that of x86/arm64.

Signed-off-by: Haibo Xu <>
Reviewed-by: Andrew Jones <>
 tools/testing/selftests/kvm/Makefile          |   1 +
 .../selftests/kvm/include/kvm_util_base.h     |   7 ++
 .../selftests/kvm/include/riscv/processor.h   |  43 ++++++++
 .../selftests/kvm/lib/riscv/handlers.S        | 101 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../selftests/kvm/lib/riscv/processor.c       |  69 ++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 221 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/kvm/lib/riscv/handlers.S

diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/Makefile 
index a18d18994fe8..f514c81877ce 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/Makefile
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/Makefile
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ LIBKVM_s390x += lib/s390x/diag318_test_handler.c
 LIBKVM_s390x += lib/s390x/processor.c
 LIBKVM_s390x += lib/s390x/ucall.c
+LIBKVM_riscv += lib/riscv/handlers.S
 LIBKVM_riscv += lib/riscv/processor.c
 LIBKVM_riscv += lib/riscv/ucall.c
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/include/kvm_util_base.h 
index a18db6a7b3cf..135ae2eb5249 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/include/kvm_util_base.h
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/include/kvm_util_base.h
@@ -932,4 +932,11 @@ void kvm_selftest_arch_init(void);
 void kvm_arch_vm_post_create(struct kvm_vm *vm);
+void vm_init_vector_tables(struct kvm_vm *vm);
+void vcpu_init_vector_tables(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
+struct ex_regs;
+typedef void(*exception_handler_fn)(struct ex_regs *);
+void vm_install_exception_handler(struct kvm_vm *vm, int vector, 
exception_handler_fn handler);
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/include/riscv/processor.h 
index 6f9e1e5e466d..b68b1b731a34 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/include/riscv/processor.h
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/include/riscv/processor.h
@@ -42,6 +42,49 @@ static inline uint64_t __kvm_reg_id(uint64_t type, uint64_t 
 #define RISCV_ISA_EXT_REG(idx) __kvm_reg_id(KVM_REG_RISCV_ISA_EXT, \
                                             idx, KVM_REG_SIZE_ULONG)
+struct ex_regs {
+       unsigned long ra;
+       unsigned long sp;
+       unsigned long gp;
+       unsigned long tp;
+       unsigned long t0;
+       unsigned long t1;
+       unsigned long t2;
+       unsigned long s0;
+       unsigned long s1;
+       unsigned long a0;
+       unsigned long a1;
+       unsigned long a2;
+       unsigned long a3;
+       unsigned long a4;
+       unsigned long a5;
+       unsigned long a6;
+       unsigned long a7;
+       unsigned long s2;
+       unsigned long s3;
+       unsigned long s4;
+       unsigned long s5;
+       unsigned long s6;
+       unsigned long s7;
+       unsigned long s8;
+       unsigned long s9;
+       unsigned long s10;
+       unsigned long s11;
+       unsigned long t3;
+       unsigned long t4;
+       unsigned long t5;
+       unsigned long t6;
+       unsigned long epc;
+       unsigned long status;
+       unsigned long cause;
+#define NR_VECTORS  2
+#define NR_EXCEPTIONS  32
+#define EC_MASK  (NR_EXCEPTIONS - 1)
+void vm_install_interrupt_handler(struct kvm_vm *vm, exception_handler_fn 
 /* L3 index Bit[47:39] */
 #define PGTBL_L3_INDEX_MASK                    0x0000FF8000000000ULL
 #define PGTBL_L3_INDEX_SHIFT                   39
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/lib/riscv/handlers.S 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aa0abd3f35bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/lib/riscv/handlers.S
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 Intel Corporation
+ */
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+#define __ASSEMBLY__
+#include <asm/csr.h>
+.macro save_context
+       addi  sp, sp, (-8*34)
+       sd    x1, 0(sp)
+       sd    x2, 8(sp)
+       sd    x3, 16(sp)
+       sd    x4, 24(sp)
+       sd    x5, 32(sp)
+       sd    x6, 40(sp)
+       sd    x7, 48(sp)
+       sd    x8, 56(sp)
+       sd    x9, 64(sp)
+       sd    x10, 72(sp)
+       sd    x11, 80(sp)
+       sd    x12, 88(sp)
+       sd    x13, 96(sp)
+       sd    x14, 104(sp)
+       sd    x15, 112(sp)
+       sd    x16, 120(sp)
+       sd    x17, 128(sp)
+       sd    x18, 136(sp)
+       sd    x19, 144(sp)
+       sd    x20, 152(sp)
+       sd    x21, 160(sp)
+       sd    x22, 168(sp)
+       sd    x23, 176(sp)
+       sd    x24, 184(sp)
+       sd    x25, 192(sp)
+       sd    x26, 200(sp)
+       sd    x27, 208(sp)
+       sd    x28, 216(sp)
+       sd    x29, 224(sp)
+       sd    x30, 232(sp)
+       sd    x31, 240(sp)
+       csrr  s0, CSR_SEPC
+       csrr  s1, CSR_SSTATUS
+       csrr  s2, CSR_SCAUSE
+       sd    s0, 248(sp)
+       sd    s1, 256(sp)
+       sd    s2, 264(sp)
+.macro restore_context
+       ld    s2, 264(sp)
+       ld    s1, 256(sp)
+       ld    s0, 248(sp)
+       csrw  CSR_SCAUSE, s2
+       csrw  CSR_SSTATUS, s1
+       csrw  CSR_SEPC, s0
+       ld    x31, 240(sp)
+       ld    x30, 232(sp)
+       ld    x29, 224(sp)
+       ld    x28, 216(sp)
+       ld    x27, 208(sp)
+       ld    x26, 200(sp)
+       ld    x25, 192(sp)
+       ld    x24, 184(sp)
+       ld    x23, 176(sp)
+       ld    x22, 168(sp)
+       ld    x21, 160(sp)
+       ld    x20, 152(sp)
+       ld    x19, 144(sp)
+       ld    x18, 136(sp)
+       ld    x17, 128(sp)
+       ld    x16, 120(sp)
+       ld    x15, 112(sp)
+       ld    x14, 104(sp)
+       ld    x13, 96(sp)
+       ld    x12, 88(sp)
+       ld    x11, 80(sp)
+       ld    x10, 72(sp)
+       ld    x9, 64(sp)
+       ld    x8, 56(sp)
+       ld    x7, 48(sp)
+       ld    x6, 40(sp)
+       ld    x5, 32(sp)
+       ld    x4, 24(sp)
+       ld    x3, 16(sp)
+       ld    x2, 8(sp)
+       ld    x1, 0(sp)
+       addi  sp, sp, (8*34)
+.balign 4 exception_vectors
+       save_context
+       move  a0, sp
+       call  route_exception
+       restore_context
+       sret
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/lib/riscv/processor.c 
index d146ca71e0c0..efd9ac4b0198 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/lib/riscv/processor.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/lib/riscv/processor.c
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
+static vm_vaddr_t exception_handlers;
 static uint64_t page_align(struct kvm_vm *vm, uint64_t v)
        return (v + vm->page_size) & ~(vm->page_size - 1);
@@ -364,6 +366,73 @@ void vcpu_args_set(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned int 
num, ...)
+void kvm_exit_unexpected_exception(int vector, int ec)
+       ucall(UCALL_UNHANDLED, 2, vector, ec);
 void assert_on_unhandled_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+       struct ucall uc;
+       if (get_ucall(vcpu, &uc) == UCALL_UNHANDLED) {
+               TEST_FAIL("Unexpected exception (vector:0x%lx, ec:0x%lx)",
+                       uc.args[0], uc.args[1]);
+       }
+struct handlers {
+       exception_handler_fn exception_handlers[NR_VECTORS][NR_EXCEPTIONS];
+void route_exception(struct ex_regs *regs)
+       struct handlers *handlers = (struct handlers *)exception_handlers;
+       int vector = 0, ec;
+       ec = regs->cause & ~CAUSE_IRQ_FLAG;
+       if (ec >= NR_EXCEPTIONS)
+               goto unexpected_exception;
+       /* Use the same handler for all the interrupts */
+       if (regs->cause & CAUSE_IRQ_FLAG) {
+               vector = 1;
+               ec = 0;
+       }
+       if (handlers && handlers->exception_handlers[vector][ec])
+               return handlers->exception_handlers[vector][ec](regs);
+       return kvm_exit_unexpected_exception(vector, ec);
+void vcpu_init_vector_tables(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+       extern char exception_vectors;
+       vcpu_set_reg(vcpu, RISCV_CSR_REG(stvec), (unsigned 
+void vm_init_vector_tables(struct kvm_vm *vm)
+       vm->handlers = __vm_vaddr_alloc(vm, sizeof(struct handlers),
+                                  vm->page_size, MEM_REGION_DATA);
+       *(vm_vaddr_t *)addr_gva2hva(vm, (vm_vaddr_t)(&exception_handlers)) = 
+void vm_install_exception_handler(struct kvm_vm *vm, int vector, 
exception_handler_fn handler)
+       struct handlers *handlers = addr_gva2hva(vm, vm->handlers);
+       assert(vector < NR_EXCEPTIONS);
+       handlers->exception_handlers[0][vector] = handler;
+void vm_install_interrupt_handler(struct kvm_vm *vm, exception_handler_fn 
+       struct handlers *handlers = addr_gva2hva(vm, vm->handlers);
+       handlers->exception_handlers[1][0] = handler;

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