Le 30/08/2024 à 18:14, Jason A. Donenfeld a écrit :
On Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 05:57:08PM +0200, Christophe Leroy wrote:
+ *     r5: 8-byte counter input/output (saved on stack)
+ *
+ *     r14-r15: counter
+ */
+       stwu    r1, -96(r1)
+       stw     r5, 20(r1)
+       stmw    r14, 24(r1)
+       li      r31, 4
+       LWZX_LE r14, 0, r5
+       LWZX_LE r15, r31, r5

Why swap endian on the counter?

Unlike the keys, the counter is passed to the function as an u8*, not as a u64*, so I thought it was raw data in little endian order, same as when using Sodium. Is it wrong ?


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