ProFTPD advisory et quelques informations utiles (comment sécuriser).

From: MacGyver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ProFTPD Advisory
Date: 6 Jul 2000 21:02:05 +0200

A couple of things:

That advisory was actually sent out by mistake.  These issues were known,
and are addressed in the latest CVS version of ProFTPD.  They are relatively
minor, in general, and if you're using sound security policies in the first
place (including following some of the advice given on the web site
(, any potential problems are already

There was a miscommunication between myself, Aleph 1 (Maintainer of
BugTraq), and Lamagra, and so the advisory was mistakenly posted already.  I
had asked Lamagra to hold off until this weekend (which he graciously agreed
to do), since I had planned to release 1.2.0 later this week.

That said, they are issues, and they need to be addressed, regardless of how
remote the possibility of an exploit is.  For those extremely concerned,
feel free to grab the latest CVS version of ProFTPD, which addresses these

I hope this clarification helps, and as I said, ProFTPD 1.2.0 will be
released later this week, and contains this, and many other
fixes/enhancements.  Then, I can get on rewriting a few core pieces of
ProFTPD to focus more heavily on performance enhancements, flexibility, and
FTP security extensions.

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