BugTraq ID: 1728
Remote: Yes
Date Published: 2000-09-29
Relevant URL:

mod_rewrite is a module shipped with Apache 1.2 and later.  It is used to
map special URLS to absolute files on the web server's filesystem.

If a RewriteRule directive is expressed whose result maps to a filename
containing regular expression references, the result may provide an
attacker with the ability to view arbitrary files on the host.

example RewriteRule directives: (only the first is vulnerable)

RewriteRule     /test/(.*)              /usr/local/data/test-stuff/$1
RewriteRule     /more-icons/(.*)                /icons/$1
RewriteRule     /go/(.*)                http://www.apacheweek.com/$1

(excerpted from Apache development list 09-22)

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