/ch/open and Java User Group Switzerland <http://www.jugs.ch> are proud to 
announce a joint event with Edouard Bugnion, co-founder and member of 
technical staff at vmware (Palo Alto, CA) and John Brush and Eckard Koch, 
two experts in the use of VMware in the enterprise.

The event will present an introduction of VMware, experience reports in 
real-world environments, useful additional tools and future perspectives.

May 3, 2001 Half Day Event: VMware virtual machines for developers
Location: Technopark Zürich, Room Pascal
How to find: http://www.technopark.ch/public/d/P0501.htm

Although VMware received the award of the best software in year 2000 from 
PC-Magazine, many developers are unaware of the existence of this tool that 
allows you to run multiple operating systems (windowsNT, windows2000 and 
Linux) on one physical machine. But those who got the chance to see it once 
love it and use it every day. In particular for more and more Java 
developers VMware belongs to the category of basic software like the Java 2 
platform and the operating system itself because development, testing and 
deployment is much easier than before.

13.30 - 13.40 Introduction
13.40 - 14.40 Track 1 (English)
               The future of virtual machines: a VMware perspective
               Edouard Bugnion, VMware. (1h)
14.10 - 15.10 Track 2 (English)
               Experience reports on developing with VMware and Java
               John Brush, Ideartis. (30')
15.10 - 15.40 Break
15.40 - 16.10 Track 3 (English)
               Virtual Machine management with VMmanager and VMlibs
               John Brush, Ideartis. (30')
16.10 - 16.55 Track 4 (Deutsch)
               Rapid System Deployment with Linux and VMware
               Eckard Koch, SFI. (45')
16.55 - 17.10 Discussion
17.10         Apero

For Details see 
<http://www.ch-open.ch/html/events/Event_3.5.2001/index.html> (with online 
registration form).

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