Linux IRC IP Masquerading Module Arbitrary Firewall Rule Insertion Vulnerability
BugTraq ID: 3117
Remote: Yes
Date Published: 2001-07-30
Relevant URL:

The Linux 'ip_masq_irc' IP masquerading module is used to inspect IRC
protocol data and interpret DCC file transfer requests.  The module
dynamically opens and maps ports for IRC data transfers.

The module contains a vulnerability that may allow a remote attacker to
insert malicious rules into the firewall.

When a 'DCC SEND' request is sent from a host behind the firewall and the
request contains an IP address differing from that host, the ip_masq_irc
module opens a port to allow the specified remote host to make a
connection for a data transfer.

Because the module processes any data on port 6667, it may be possible for
an attacker to use a client based program to exploit the problem.  For
instance, a HTML <img> tag could be sent in an e-mail or on a web page to
a user behind the target network:

  <img src="";>

or using another similar pattern, depending on how the module is
configured.  The module may interpret the request as a DCC file transfer
request and temporary allow a connection to the given port and address
through the firewall.

This could allow an attacker to create a condition where a connection can
be established to any host and port behind the firewall, bypassing the
filtering rules.

phpMyAdmin Arbitrary Command Execution Vulnerability
BugTraq ID: 3121
Remote: Yes
Date Published: 2001-07-31
Relevant URL:

phpMyAdmin is a freely available tool that provides a WWW interface for
handling MySQL adminstrative tasks.

An input validation error exists in phpMyAdmin that could allow remote
users to cause arbitrary commands to be executed by the PHP interpreter at

The problem is the result of how some variables are handled in the
'tbl_copy.php' and 'tbl_rename.php' scripts.  It is possible to submit
values for certain variables internal to the scripts.  Under certain
circumstances, the variables are evaluated with the eval() command, making
it possible for an attacker to submit the commands he or she wishes to
have executed as the value of that variable.

No authentication mechanisms are enabled with default installations of

GNU Locate Arbitrary Command Execution Vulnerability
BugTraq ID: 3127
Remote: No
Date Published: 2001-08-01
Relevant URL:

GNU locate is an application that searches file databases for file names
that match user-supplied patterns.

The program supports searching through filename databases composed in two
different formats: an old format produced by Unix versions of locate and
find, and a new format used in versions 4.0 and greater of GNU locate.

A boundary condition error can occur when the program reads old-format
database files.  Each individual database entry begins with a one byte
offset-differential count, indicating the number of characters of prefix
of the preceding entry to use beyond the number that the preceding entry
is using as its predecessor.  Byte values 0 through 28 indicate
offset-differential counts from -14 through 14.  If the
offset-differential count is larger than can be stored in a byte, the byte
has the value 30 and the count follows in a machine-size word.

The problem exists because the machine-size word following a byte value of
30 is treated as a signed integer.  By inserting an entry into the
database with a negative value as the offset-differential count, it is
possible to cause the program to write data read from the file to an
arbitrary locations in process memory.

If an attacker is able to write a malicious entry to a database file used
by other users, the attacker could cause arbitrary code to be executed by
another user when the user runs the locate program.

It also should be noted that in earlier versions of Slackware(circa 3.5)
the file is written by the superuser.

WvDial Insecure Default Permissions Vulnerability
BugTraq ID: 3128
Remote: No
Date Published: 2001-08-01
Relevant URL:

WvDial is a Linux-based dialer, intended to allow dialup network

When WvDial is compiled and installed it creates a configuration
file('wvdial.conf'). Sensitive information may be stored in this file,
such as usernames/passwords for dialup services. The problem is that this
file is created, by default, with world-readable permissions.

It should be noted that WvDial does not automatically store dialup account
information. Additionally, users have the option of using a pre-existing
configuration file.

Due to insecure default permissions, any local user on the host is privy
to the information in this file.

It has been reported that this default configuration may not be present in
all systems using WvDial (such as RedHat).

PHPBB Remote SQL Query Manipulation Vulnerability
BugTraq ID: 3142
Remote: Yes
Date Published: 2001-08-03
Relevant URL:

phpBB is free, open-source, easy-to-use web forums software.

An issue exists in phpBB which allows a remote attacker to manipulate SQL
queries in such a way as to gain an administrative account with the

PHP normally strips backslashes from HTTP requests. However, 'auth.php'
contains an algorithm with overrides this feature. The result is that
input passed to certain variables via phpBB may be able reach SQL queries.
One such variable is 'viewemail'. This issue can be exploited by making a
cleverly crafted web request that contains arbitrary user-supplied
replacement values.

One consequence of successful exploitation is that the attacker will be
privy to user information.

XMCD Temp Directory Symbolic Link Vulnerability
BugTraq ID: 3148
Remote: No
Date Published: 2001-08-03
Relevant URL:

xmcd is a freely available cd playing utility for the various UNIX
platforms.  It is maintained by public domain.

A problem in the cda utility included with the package can allow a user to
overwrite files, potentially creating a denial of service.

When executed, cda creates temporary files insecurely.  It is possible for
a user to predict the name of a future temporary file, and create a
symbolic link pointing to another file to be overwritten.  Once executed,
cda attempts to create and write to the temporary file, overwriting the
file that has been symbolically linked.

cda is installed setuid root, which makes it possible for a user
exploiting this vulnerability to overwrite any root owned file.
Exploitation of this vulnerability could result in a denial of service,
and potentially an elevation of privileges.

PHP-Nuke Remote SQL Query Manipulation Vulnerability
BugTraq ID: 3149
Remote: Yes
Date Published: 2001-08-03
Relevant URL:

PHP-Nuke is a website creation/maintainence tool written in PHP3.

PHP-Nuke reportedly contains a vulnerability introduced in a new feature
which may permit remote attackers to execute almost arbitrary SQL queries.

In version 5.x of PHP-Nuke, the administrator can set an arbitrary prefix
for the database table names.  Because it is a prefix for PHP-Nuke tables,
this variable is included in many SQL queries used by PHP-Nuke.

If remote clients can submit their own value for 'prefix', they can alter
SQL query strings so that almost arbitrary database operations are

By default, most PHP-Nuke scripts include a PHP file called 'mainfile.php'
containing library code and constants for use throughout the application.
'prefix' is defined in this file, and scripts that include 'mainfile.php'
cannot be exploited by remote attackers as the 'prefix' value defined in
'mainfile.php' will override a remotely supplied value.  In some scripts,
attackers may be able to cause 'mainfile.php' to not be included, making
it possible to supply an arbitrary 'prefix' value.  The file,
'article.php', is reportedly such a script.  If the 'mainfile' variable is
passed to the script remotely, 'mainfile.php' will not be included by

Once the file is not included in a PHP script, the attacker may supply an
arbitrary 'prefix' value.  The 'prefix' value is used in the following

UPDATE $prefix"._stories." SET..

A remote attacker can supply a value for prefix that can assume control
over the query after the 'UPDATE' statement.  In this example, an attacker
can cause an arbitrary table to be updated in any way permitted by
database access controls.  Attackers may, for example, be able to 'UPDATE'
all of the administrators passwords to values known by the attacker.  She
could then proceed to log into PHP-Nuke as an administrator.

This may permit remote attackers to delete or corrupt data, elevate
PHP-Nuke privileges or even possibly gain local access to the database
by Nathan Neulinger, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Relevant URL:
Platforms: UNIX

CGIWrap is a gateway program that allows general users to use CGI scripts
and HTML forms without compromising the security of the http server.
Scripts are run with the permissions of the user who owns the script. In
addition, several security checks are performed on the script, which will
not be executed if any checks fail.

[ le traitement de texte sur des requêtes SQL est à faire avec beaucoup
  de précaution: certains langages comme Perl permettent à la place
  de faire du `binding' de certains types de données: on écrit alors
  SELECT * FROM table WHERE (a = ?) et on passe en paramètre une ou
  plusieurs variables qui sont encapsulées par le module Perl concerné.
  Dans ce cas, même ce qui précède ne fonctionne pas: on ne peut utiliser
  cette fonctionnalité DBI Perl pour les noms de table p.ex. Donc
  s'assurer p.ex. que la variable contient /^[a-z0-9_]+$/ avant
  de faire le traitement de texte.

Ah, et pour voir si vous avez lu jusque là, le code Perl suivant a un
problème grave de sécurité. Réponses à [EMAIL PROTECTED] (attention au
Reply-To:), le premier gagne un pin's Linux (si j'arrive à le retrouver).

   #! /usr/bin/perl -w

   use strict;
   use CGI;

   my $query = new CGI;

   # L'idée est que toutes les opérations sont ouvertes à tous, mais
   # les droits sont augmentés lorsque la personne connaît le mot de
   # passe d'administration.

   my $is_admin = 0;
   if (defined($query->param('admin_password'))
       && &is_valid_admin_password($query->param('admin_password'))) {
      $is_admin = 1;

   if (defined($query->param('operation'))
       && &is_valid_operation($query->param('operation'))) {
      # Cette fonction n'est pas définie, mais elle exécute l'opération
      # précisée, éventuellement avec les droits administrateurs.
      &do_operation($query->param('operation'), $is_admin);

   exit 0;

   sub is_valid_admin_password {
      my ($password) = @_;

      # Ceci n'est pas beau, mais n'est pas le problème de sécurité qui
      # nous intéresse.
      return $password eq 'turlututu';

   sub is_valid_operation {
      my ($operation) = @_;
      my %valid_operations = ('lire' => undef,
                              'ecrire' => undef,
                              'modifier' => undef);

      return exists $valid_operations{$operation};

NB: c'est du pseudo-code, il faudra peut-être un peu le tripatouiller pour
qu'il fonctionne.

Pour poster une annonce: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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