Bon, je suis allé voir le site de debian et j'ai vu ça:

Debian GNU/Linux CD Images

->- You want to install Debian GNU/Linux on one computer, and that computer 
has a free Internet connection. 

-!- Solution: You don't need to download the CD images at all. 

     Download the /dists/stable/main/disks-XXXX/ directory from a Debian FTP 
mirror (addresses:;
     substitute the `XXXX' for your architecture, for example `i386' or 
`alpha'. This one directory is all you need to get Debian up and running. 
After this, your new
     Debian system can connect directly to a Debian FTP mirror to 
automatically fetch and install anything else you need. 

well, well.. 
maintenant, je suis allé voir sur /dists/stable/main/disks-i386/

bon, la ça se corse déja: il y a deux rep:

bon, je vais dans current:
en lisant le readme.txt j'en conclus qu'il faut prendre le base2_2.tgz

suis-je correcte?
Yann Sagon

-- avant de poser
une question. Ouais, pour se désabonner aussi.

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