[sorry for a reply from -digest]

feel free to critisize

Dominique Muller wrote:
> A propos de la conférence d'hier soir, est-ce qu'il est prévu de faire un
> résumé pour ceux comme moi, intéressé, mais n'ayant pu venir ?

Evolution récente du noyau Linux
Prof. Daniel P. Bovet
Genève, Uni Mail, Amphi R060, mercredi 9 janvier 2002 à 20h30

talk notes
11 jan 2002

Efficient OS
* same hardware, different OS
* applications (even compiler) don't make a better OS
* better kernel => better performance

Two faces of a kernel
* interface: interaction with hardware from user space
* performance: optimal use of available hardware (hardware evolves rapidly)

How to obtain good performance ?
* there is no magic
* many minor improvements make the difference

Linux evolution
* new hardware => need for new software solutions (!<=)
* a lot of redesign
* experimental and stable kernels

2.2 -> 2.4 (3 good points)
1. TLB (translation lookaside buffer)
    TLB is used to reduce the number of calls to obtain mem. addr in RAM
        (x86: CR3 -> page directory -> page table -> page frame -> addr)
    improved TLB management during task (process) switching
    new flag for kernel threads

2. task scheduler
    when CPU "has nothing to do", it "runs" an idle process
    each process has a dynamic priority
    schedule() selects process with highest priority for a given CPU
    linux scheduling is not preemptive (kernel threads can't be interrupted)
    when schedule() should be called?
        process blocks (finishes?)
        process exec time has expired (time sharing) ~ 10-100 ms
        process with higher priority wakes up
        sched_yield() or sched_setscheduler() been called
    (more difficulties with multi-CPU machines, IPI: InterProcessorInterrupt)

3. memory (page frame) reclaiming (linux specific)
    several software caches
    caches size is not fixed (can grow until no more free memory)
    frame reclaiming = antidote from system freezing (lack of free memory)
    pages have 3 types of priorities (low -> high)

    2.2 kernel swap out
        penalize a process which uses the largest nb. of pages
        (not good if memory is used effectively)

    2.4 improvement

        2 LRU(?) lists: active list (pages used frequently) and inactive list
        lists are updated dynamically (how to balance the lists?)

<a href="http://bravo.ce.uniroma2.it/kernelhacking/en/index.html";>
linux kernel hacking</a>

Ivan Zimine                   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dpt. of Radiology             |   (+41 22) 372 70 70
Geneva University Hospitals   |
http://www-internal.alphanet.ch/linux-leman/ avant de poser
une question. Ouais, pour se désabonner aussi.

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