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Subject: Seminar announcement - Geneva Research Collaboration
Date: 17 Sep 2002 08:59:39 +0200

You are kindly invited to the next Geneva Research Collaboration seminar

Thursday 26 September, 16.30-17.30 hours
Room 6-002 building 60 (please observe new room)
CERN, Meyrin 
Note: Participants from outside CERN, please confirm participation by
e-mail with name and affiliation.

Dr. Foort Hamelink, Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch, Geneva:

"Empirical factor analysis of the performance of global equity


Equity returns are believed to be strongly influenced by country, sector
and style effects. A key issue is to be able to disentangle those
various effects from one another. In particular, differences between
country returns may simply reflect differences in the sector composition
of country markets, which makes it clearly difficult to disassociate
both effects. Similarly, from 1999-2001 the relative performance of
Growth versus Value might be solely due to the striking performance of
the Technology and Telecommunication sectors. For global equity
portfolio managers, it is crucial to identify which factors offer the
highest diversification benefits and return potential. We apply a
multi-factor approach to estimate "pure" country, sector and style
factor returns. Using data going back to 1990, we identify the major
changes that have occurred in developed markets until 2001. Our various
indicators clearly point out the growing influence of sector factors.
However, country effects remain important and there is no clear-cut
evidence that sector factors dominate country factors. Style factors
such as Growth, Value and Size also remain significant, even once sector
and country effects are deduced. Finally, we show that momentum
strategies based on sector returns offer substantial gains, while
momentum strategies based on country returns do not. These findings
suggest that, while diversification and return benefits from sector
strategies have become substantial, managers should continue to monitor
carefully country as well as style rewards and risks. 

Useful references:

Country, Sector or Style: What matters most when constructing Global
Portfolios? An empirical investigation from 1990-2001
by F. Hamelink , H. Harasty and P. Hillion
(may be downloaded from the GRC web site)

Background information:

The Geneva Research Collaboration (GRC) is a non-profit Swiss foundation
dedicated to the support of interdisciplinary research in natural and
social sciences, to the development of novel economic applications of
this research, and to contributing to make Geneva a node of excellence
in an international scientific and economic research network.
The current research of GRC is concentrated on mathematical and
econophysics models applied to financial forecasting, data processing,
and risk management. The applications endeavour to use new conceptual
model structures which are developed into operational tools through the
integration of advanced computing technique

For further information please consult the GRC web site:

http://www-internal.alphanet.ch/linux-leman/ avant de poser
une question. Ouais, pour se désabonner aussi.

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