On Wed, Jan 22 2020 at 10:40am -0500,
Michael Lipp <m...@mnl.de> wrote:

> Just for once, I wanted to state that I am deeply impressed by the work
> done with LVM. I have just just copied all my data from my old RAID to
> my new RAID while continuing to work with the data using pvmove.
> Compared with what I had to do several years ago, this was a great
> experience. I know, of course, that professional operators do this "all
> day", but doing it yourself for once felt great.
> Just one question, though. I couldn't find anything about using pvmove
> together with lvm cache. So to make sure, I removed the SSD caching
> before pvmove and added the caching again afterwards. Would it have been
> safe to leave the caching active during the pvmove?

No, fairly certain pvmove wouldn't have allowed the caching layer.  So
you did the correct sequence.

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