Following up to myself is a sign of a sick mind.

On Sat, 17 Jan 2009, BOUWSMA Barry wrote:

> > shell 1: $ tzap channel
> > shell 2: $ dvbtraffic
> > [lots of output that streaming is working]
> > shell 1: $ <C-c>
> > shell 1: $ tzap "channel2_which is on a different frequency"
> > shell 2: no output of dvbtraffic any longer... (problem)

> I'll see if I can reproduce this on my production machine once
> it's idle, or if my hacks might be involved, and report back
> about this...

Here's what I see. It may not be meaningful.  This machine
uses utilities from 2005 or so, sometimes hacked but still
based on source from 2005.

Anyway, with the SkyStar2:
szap a-channel-which-locks
dvbtraffic-card0 ==> output, whee
^C szap; dvbtraffic continues for a few seconds (timeout)
szap the-same-channel or a-different-frequency
no dvbtraffic output yet
^C szap; immediately dvbtraffic outputs again for a few secs

With a DVB-T tuner:
tzap a-channel-which-locks
dvbtraffic-card1 ==> output, yay
^C tzap; dvbtraffic continues a few seconds
tzap again
no dvbtraffic output yet
^C tzap
still no dvbtraffic output...

But no errors are thrown up, nor does anything appear logged
to the console.

However, [ts]zap are system binaries from 2004; dvbtraffic
is hacked, though I'm not sure how heavily, so I don't know
if what I see is meaningful.

Invoking `dvbtraffic' first, then `dvbstream' also produces
some results for a fraction of a second, then no `dvbtraffic'

So, at this point, I don't know what to say...

barry bouwsma
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