On Sat, 20 Jun 2009 22:19:30 +0200, Jens Krehbiel-Gräther

<jens.krehbiel-graet...@jkg-it-services.de> wrote:

> Hi!


> Does anyone know something about this card?





> I think this card is a type of the reference design from micronas (think


> the year 2006??).





> (Sorry, all in german)


> I send a request to the manufacturer and asked what chips are used on the

> card. When I get an answer I will post it here.


> If this card hast the STB0899/6100 chip, i think it should work with


> repository of Igor Liplianin or Manu Abraham???

> Do you think I can use both tuner "out of the box" with these drivers??


> Thanks for your information!


> Jens

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