H. Langos wrote:
> Hi there,
> after a while I decided to come back to the linuxtv wiki to finish
> organizing the bazillion dvb-t usb devices in a way that helps 
> a) normal users to find out if a certain device is supported and 
> b) developers to update information on the drivers they manage.
> Some preview of this can be seen on my playground page:
> http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/HLPlayground2
> As this is a more complicated way of storing the information than just plain
> tables, I'd like to keep an eye on changes. Not because of fear of
> vandalisim but because changes to the templates/date potentially have 
> effects on a lot of pages.
> There are some people who day by day put a lot of effort and work into the 
> wiki and I'd like to thank them all for their continuing effort. I myself 
> have only occasionaly time to update information there and I miss a lot
> of changes, even to the pages I watch, because the "watchlist" and "recent
> cahnges" reaches only seven days back. Manually going through the pages on 
> my watchlist (currently 57) is not what I'd call good use of resources.
> It would be great if it was possible to get (immediate/daily/weekly?) change
> notifications by email in order not to lose track of what is happening to
> the pages that I care about. (I bet this is standard functionality of
> mediawiki or at least one of the more common extentions.)
> Also I'd like to encourage new and existing users to add their email address 
> to their profile AND to check the "Enable e-mail from other users" box.
> Maybe we could change the default to enable that box?
> That way it is possible to ask for missing details if somebody adds a new
> device, or to send hints if somebody writes in an article that a certain
> device doesn't work. Or to simply write a short note when removing some
> information like "Hey dude, I just removed some information that you added 
> to article X because it is already contained in article Y. Instead I've 
> added a link to Y. Thank you for your help and keep up the good work!..."
> Also developers could ask people who are interested in a device's driver to 
> check out a new version as soon as it is ready. 
> All in all it would improve the user experience and the quality of 
> information 
> on the wiki as feedback would not have to go through the "discussion" pages. 
> I went that way when talking to some other wiki admins about my efforts to 
> unify the usb dvb-t data and the experience shows that wiki's are not a 
> good medium for serious discussions.
> cheers
> -henrik

(I've cc'ed the LMML to reach the wider audience nowadays)

These are good suggestions that Henrik has made. I would encourage
others to also step up and try to find ways to implement them (along
with any other improvements that can be made to the wiki and other
sources of V4L-DVB documentation and website -- the website, in
particular, really could stand for an overhaul).

(Note - at present I do not have time to take on further work, nor do I
personally really want the responsibility of being the point man for
such changes ... as it stands, I'm interested only in finishing off
ventures I commenced long ago ... or introducing changes that are
personally enjoyable to myself to make)

I also note that from prior discussions with Henrik and Jim (and Henrik
is absolutely correct that discussing things from within the wiki
quickly becomes difficult to follow), and from prior times with Micheal
and Devin on irc, that we were touching upon the idea of a database. One
such example that I recently came across, and that is worth further
investigation by someone (and, again, that someone does not include me),
is that model used by dd-wrt for their supported hardware (i would link,
but it appears that their server is down at the moment).

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